World Science Scholars

1.1 Einstein's Gravity

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On September 14, 2015, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory detected a gravitational wave for the first time. Just a few months before this groundbreaking discovery, physicist and former LIGO Scientific Collaboration spokesperson Gabriela González describes how the search for gravitational waves has been conducted and what mysteries scientists hope to solve about our universe. This lecture was recorded on May 31, 2015 at the World Science Festival in New York City.

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Viewing 10 reply threads
    • I wish the video would also show all the videos and slides that she used in her lecture, instead of focusing only on her.

    • I wish the video would also show all the videos and slides that she used in her lecture, instead of focusing only on her.

    • 1 of the main reason for the universe and why there is life at all

    • The Super Red Supergiant Star – UY Scuti , 1708 ± 192 Solar Radii, the biggest known star in the Universe UY Scuti

    • As the human race goes extinct it has cut itself off completely from itself. It in a morbidly sad way searches further away from the here & now because looking at its own survival has become too painful. A coalition of advanced races are here ready to advance every aspect of life on earth but the human race no longer wants to live. Unlike beauty in nature which is life, humanity now is a spectacle of excruciating pain & loss. As it poisons the earth & itself to death & refuses to advance in any way.We can advance every aspect of life on earth immediately but you won’t pick up. Thurman race went extinct from arrogance. We watch the colors die.

    • You can look into space but you will go extinct because you no longer see yourselves & your planet.

    • What is the difference between gravity and gravitational waves as these both are called distortion in spacetime?

    • What is the difference between gravity and gravitational waves as these both are called distortion in spacetime?

      • gravity is steady if the mass remains steady, gravity waves undulate unsteadily through spacetime hence the wave portion. I think….

    • Einstein predicted a loss of energy causing two stars to get closer.

      But he didn’t like black holes.

      So at times, he didn’t agree with his own brainchild, even denying gravity waves.

      It is difficult to move beyond cultural biases.

    • Einstein’s theory of gravity was published in 1915 and completely revolutionized science’s understanding of the universe. It was only confirmed for the first time in 1919, with an experiment done during a total eclipse of the Sun in Sobral, Ceará, Brazil, and on the Island of Príncipe, in the archipelago of São Tomé and Príncipe1.

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