World Science Scholars

4.2 What Can We Learn From the Web

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    • The spider web doesn’t follow the conventional tuning system that we use for the instruments we play (piano, guitar, drums, etc.). Do you think spider web music is still pleasant? What can we learn and what kind of emotions does this music elicit? If you had only heard sounds from spider webs, do you think you would be missing something?

      Think about the listener and whether past experiences of what we experience as “pleasant” will affect the result.

    • Hhhh


    • The spider web harp is very interesting to listen to because it is so dense, also I can only listen to 3-5 minutes of this denser information. I think it would sound very weird to ears attuned to spider web music only to hear Cmaj style consonance! Also brings up the idea of language and information- Asian cultures have greater frequency richness and nuance in their languages than European languages –and some Asian cultural musics sound more dissonant to Western ears. What frequencies do we filter out/exclude?

    • In the beginning, the spider web “music” was very weird, but after a moment I saw myself immersed in an obscured jungle feeling hunted by something unknown. It’s a mysterious sound, but not unpleasant. If I have listened to only the spider web music since my conception, how possibly I could know there are other kinds of music? The way we are exposed to the environment significantly shapes the way we can “absorb” the unknown.

    • I don’t know, because I haven’t exactly understood how it is created, how are the notes for it selected?

    • In the beginning, the spider web “music” was very weird, but after a moment I saw myself immersed in an obscured jungle feeling hunted by something unknown. It’s a mysterious sound, but not unpleasant. If I have listened to only the spider web music since my conception, how possibly I could know there are other kinds of music? The way we are exposed to the environment significantly shapes the way we can “absorb” the unknown.

    • Does the harmonic wave plays role in changing the original sound of web music or is there any others factor for it?

    • Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

      I think spiders need a resilient type of body… or armour… To survive their eerie music.

      They have that. Missing are the crickets legs, the frog mouth and the meadow sighs. Spiders probly go crazy without the natural 3 part harmonies of nature, when left to themselves

    • spider web music does not follow conventional music because of the different lengths and types of silk strands.At first it sound weird but not pleasant at all.

    • They have that. Missing are the crickets legs, the frog mouth and the meadow sighs. Spiders probly go crazy without the natural 3 part harmonies of nature, when left to themselves

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