World Science Scholars

1.1 Cradle of Humankind

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Viewing 7 reply threads
    • Fascinating!

    • I LOVE how you encouraged your son to explore with you! It encourages me to continue to parent the way I do even though society doesn’t promote it

    • I LOVE how you encouraged your son to explore with you! It encourages me to continue to parent the way I do even though society doesn’t promote it

    • You are gazing at a mirror, in order to view anything but yourself. You say “I seek humanity by refusing to find humanity”. Perhaps until you see yourself, you will not see anything.

    • Thanks to Prof. Berger for this audit! I am better at history than astronomy, one opens after generational silence, the other by new tech.

      Comments about your son in this reply box show a mentoring often unconsidered nowadays. Facing life shoulder to shoulder!

    • I can’t imagine the satisfaction of proving wrong the notion that you’re fighting a losing battle.

    • Good video session about exploring Humanity

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