Space, Time, and Einstein
with Brian Greene | Physicist, Author | Co-founder, World Science Festival; Professor of Physics and Mathematics at Columbia University
Join Brian Greene, acclaimed physicist and author, in a visual and conceptual exploration of Einstein’s spectacular insights into space, time and energy. All the startling conclusions of special relativity, from time travel to $E=mc^2$, come from one idea: the constancy of the speed of light. Take a wild ride into the deepest aspects of reality that defy everyday experience.
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
The Speed of Light
Module 4
Relativity of Simultaneity
Module 5
Time in Motion
Module 6
How Fast Does Time Slow?
Module 7
Time Dilation: Experimental Evidence
Module 8
The Reality of Past, Present, and Future
Module 9
Time Dilation: Intuitive Explanation
Module 10
Motion’s Effect on Space
Module 11
The Pole in the Barn Paradox
Module 12
The Twin Paradox
Module 13
Implications for Mass: Intuitive Explanation
Module 14
Space, Time and Einstein—Course Recap