World Science Scholars

1.1 Scale

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Viewing 66 reply threads
    • it’s amazing how limited our experience is compared to how huge the universe is

      • Yes in fact the human race is going extinct and it has chosen to go extinct unanimously. It is amazing to watch such a hopeless race die off. You really do not want life. You can’t be made to feel.

    • awesome we humans are very very small in all the scale factor but our brain is the remarkable object in the universe which has curiosity and endeavor to understand all the laws, principle and theories which are the building blocks of the universe. which makes us special even though we are living on a mote of dust suspend in a sunbeam.

    • awesome we humans are very very small in all the scale factor but our brain is the remarkable object in the universe which has curiosity and endeavor to understand all the laws, principle and theories which are the building blocks of the universe. which makes us special even though we are living on a mote of dust suspend in a sunbeam.

    • And yet the whole spectrum lives in our brains.

    • This was quite mind blowing Sir.

    • This was quite mind blowing Sir.

    • Very good explanation sir

    • Very good explanation sir

    • Brian Greene sir is my favourite teacher. I have been following him since my school days. He is a great science communicator.
      I am a big fan of him. And the course is incredible and very easy to understand. And for him i am very much interested in physics and math, and so i decided to study physics and math more in depth.

      • Brian Greene is like the most oppressive theologian of all earths history. He could not be less alive or intelligent than he is now. The human race is going extinct and he and all humans pretend like they can ignore their own extinction. We can advance every aspect of life on earth immediately but you choose to poison your planet and your race until you are no more. We watch you from our pews.

        • It seems to me that should Greene be dead then he most certainly could be “less alive than he is right now”, but perhaps I’m wrong. After all, you do appear to be the expert on this issue. May I just clarify a point or two though? First, just who, exactly, is the ‘we’ that you mention? Second, to what, exactly, are you referring when you state that “human life could be advanced”? And third, from where, exactly, are you observing we non-life advancing humans from? Where are these pews? Are they metaphysical, or are they situated maybe just a little way past Mars? Thanking you in advance for furnishing me with the largesse contained of your cranium. Sincerely, bemused.
          Post Script. Oh, and just one more thing, why aren’t you allowing the advancement of human life to progress “right now”? I mean, you can’t criticize anything without already knowing the answers, right? Or at least not without admitting that you don’t have them, anyway. But you didn’t, and so you must. Thank you.

    • Brian Greene sir is my favourite teacher. I have been following him since my school days. He is a great science communicator.
      I am a big fan of him. And the course is incredible and very easy to understand. And for him i am very much interested in physics and math, and so i decided to study physics and math more in depth.

    • Brian Greene sir is my favourite teacher. I have been following him since my school days. He is a great science communicator.
      I am a big fan of him. And the course is incredible and very easy to understand. And for him i am very much interested in physics and math, and so i decided to study physics and math more in depth.

    • He is my inspiration. At first my inspiration was Einstein and Brian Greene is the modern inspiration for students just like me. Nowadays people need someone to et inspired for science and Brian Greene is the man to do it.

    • mind blowing

    • This is really astonishing. Thank you Dr. Greene. for giving us this free source of information.

    • There is a poetic beauty in making something that seems so incomprehensible become accessible to anyone with the will to learn, thank you for feeding our scientific desires and helping us to witness the scope of reality.

    • There is a poetic beauty in making something that seems so incomprehensible become accessible to anyone with the will to learn, thank you for feeding our scientific desires and helping us to witness the scope of reality.

    • Brian Greene is our new Einstein

    • Brian Greene is our new Einstein

    • Brian Greene is our new Einstein

    • I know these axes from Your Daily Equation. It’s a great idea to show physics in this way, especially by adding the natural scale of reality for humans.

    • I know these axes from Your Daily Equation. It’s a great idea to show physics in this way, especially by adding the natural scale of reality for humans.

    • I know these axes from Your Daily Equation. It’s a great idea to show physics in this way, especially by adding the natural scale of reality for humans.

    • I know these axes from Your Daily Equation. It’s a great idea to show physics in this way, especially by adding the natural scale of reality for humans.

    • Amazing, this really shows why quantum physics is not intuitive to us,there is so much to reality which we cannot directly perceive.

    • Amazing, this really shows why relativity and quantum physics is not intuitive to us,there is so much to reality which we cannot directly perceive.

    • I know these axes from your daily equation ???? … It’s a great idea to show physics this way, especially by adding the natural scale of human experience and intuition ????

    • Could the different scales be classed as different dimensions?

    • It’s an amazing explanation.

    • It’s an amazing explanation.

    • Existence of such a broad spectrum is what limits our abilities to unravel the Universe

    • I loved this explanation, it’s amazing!

    • Thanks for this wonderful course, a truly great teacher.

    • Feynman of relativity

    • Nice introduction! One additional area in which Special Relativity can manifest itself is when we have large distances, yet low speeds. For example, the walking speeds that result in around 3 days difference in what is simultaneous to us in the Andromeda Galaxy, known as the “Andromeda Paradox”. Of course, this is still no help in informing our experience, as such spacetime intervals are spacelike and so cannot be experienced..

    • Loved the way he explains

    • Thank you for helping expand my knowledge

    • I can imagine tachyons being thoughts, and we are detecting hints of a traceable existence.

    • Nice explanation and the way of things understandable.

    • Nice explanation and the way of things understandable.

    • Nice explanation and the way of things understandable.

    • Thanks Brian – engaging intro to this topic which has always fascinated me. My ongoing question about Special Relativity is whether consideration of the constant speed of light changes our perception of reality (that is, distance, time and mass relative to us) or whether it actually reveals our misunderstanding of ‘true’ reality.

    • He is the best teacher of all time. Love him.

    • He is the best teacher of all time. Love him.

    • You are great sir
      Thank you for your discussion ????????

    • You are great sir
      Thank you for your discussion ????????

    • Thank you.

    • Thank you.

    • Thank you.

    • Thank you.

    • On the thought experiment of a spaceship accelerating towards the speed of light.
      Since the mass of all objects will increase, so will the the increased mass including higher objects (bodies) inertia
      gravitational space folding around the mass etc.
      This means that if in theory we could accelerate the spaceship continuously at some point before reaching very close
      to the light speed the ship will stop functioning, human bodies will get crushed under their own weight etc.
      And in theory if the acceleration would continue the ship will be crushed in very small singularity before reaching the light speed.
      Am I on the right track here or badly mistaken?

    • On the thought experiment of a spaceship accelerating towards the speed of light.
      Since the mass of all objects will increase, so will the the increased mass including higher objects (bodies) inertia
      gravitational space folding around the mass etc.
      This means that if in theory we could accelerate the spaceship continuously at some point before reaching very close
      to the light speed the ship will stop functioning, human bodies will get crushed under their own weight etc.
      And in theory if the acceleration would continue the ship will be crushed in very small singularity before reaching the light speed.
      Am I on the right track here or badly mistaken?

    • On the thought experiment of a spaceship accelerating towards the speed of light.
      Since the mass of all objects will increase, so will the the increased mass including higher objects (bodies) inertia
      gravitational space folding around the mass etc.
      This means that if in theory we could accelerate the spaceship continuously at some point before reaching very close
      to the light speed the ship will stop functioning, human bodies will get crushed under their own weight etc.
      And in theory if the acceleration would continue the ship will be crushed in very small singularity before reaching the light speed.
      Am I on the right track here or badly mistaken?

    • If something was, ‘actually’, traveling away from us, at twice the speed of light. We would observe, it travel say, 1 light year, from A, to B. In..
      (1/2 year for object to travel from A to B) + (1 year to see the light of the objects arrival at b) = 1.5 years. And, conlude it traveled at 1ly/1.5y = 2/3rds the speed of light.
      If the object traveled instantaneously, we would see it travel at light speed. We would see its arrival in one year, when the light of it reached us.
      It is intuitive, that nothing can travel faster than instantaneously. Could the ‘speed’ of light limit’, be more to what we can observe, than to actual velocities?

    • Very curious intro indeed!

    • The graphic representations are excellent!

    • Does Greene know how to hear? Listening to Brian Greene today is like sitting inside of the most oppressive Church of England five hundred years ago. The human race is going extinct and it preaches of anything but it’s own advance as it dies away completely. There is perhaps nothing more oppressive than Greene & the hollow human representatives of science today who watch the earth die heartlessly without even so much as a word on here and now. We can advance every aspect of life on earth immediately, but humans can not be made to want life for themselves. You can be the one who allows for human to travel the stars Greene, can you listen?

    • Amazing Sir! Especially the graphical representation

    • Church of England 500 years at about Henry the VIII was a payback for Vatican oppression of the Templar Knights, aka Order of Sion. The Vatican stole the wealth of Order of Sion`s ancestors.

      Prof. Greene has brought together this team of WSU to find solutions, such as Ms. Earle offers with her Hope Spots.

      Mr. Greene can hear well enough, and thanks again for an audit on Einstein. If Mr. Greene were heartless, there would be nowhere to post.

      It is a good thing the B2s finally offer humanity freedom. Alienations may genocide us, but we have hope.

      Comrade V V even tries to free us from non-humans, hybrids, clones and masturbations… another capable, and despised target.

    • Brian Greene, I would like to thank you so much for offering to share your knowledge of physics for free. Your videos from World Sciences Festival led me here. I have been discouraged from learning physics that ultimately led me to not follow through. That changed when I started watching the way you explain different concepts on some of your conferences from youtube. That is what led me here and inspired me to start learning physics for the first time. I’m anticipating this course and I hope that it motivates me to complete other courses.

    • Brian Greene, I would like to thank you so much for offering to share your knowledge of physics for free. Your videos from World Sciences Festival led me here. I have been discouraged from learning physics that ultimately led me to not follow through. That changed when I started watching the way you explain different concepts on some of your conferences from youtube. That is what led me here and inspired me to start learning physics for the first time. I’m anticipating this course and I hope that it motivates me to complete other courses.

    • Gray’s are a type of alien aren’t they? If Brian is attracting alien life to express their opinion about physics he must be way more than a theologian. He must really know what he’s talking about huh?

      now that that’s out of the way, just went through Brian’s course on special relativity and it was amazing. So much knowledge has to be a boon to mankind and not a gray road block. So please Brian keep up the good work so we can gain even more knowledge of the Universe and life on Earth!

    • It’s amazing how Mr. Brian Greene gives an excellent lecture, in which with the helps of graph he give a amazing lecture that responds each question that it proposes. Am exited to continue learning from his lectures. Thank you.

    • It’s amazing how Mr. Brian Greene gives an excellent lecture, in which with the helps of graph he give a amazing lecture that responds each question that it proposes. Am exited to continue learning from his lectures. Thank you.

    • It’s amazing how Mr. Brian Greene gives an excellent lecture, in which with the helps of graph he give a amazing lecture that responds each question that it proposes. Am exited to continue learning from his lectures. Thank you.

    • and we hope to unify it all someday!

    • and we hope to unify it all someday!

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