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World Science Scholars

1.1 The Expanding Universe

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Viewing 9 reply threads
    • Nicely explained.

    • The deep image shown at the beginning of the video blew me away. To visually see how teeming with galaxies the universe is was amazing. Thank you World Science University and Dr. Riess!!!

    • • A Modern Model for the Universe: https://www.academia.edu/11750437
      • The Universe, a Nine Dimension System: https://www.academia.edu/23710171

    • 英国留学申请Gloucestershire保录取【Q微211457004】英国格鲁斯特大学毕业证成绩单|Gloucestershire学历学位文凭证书办理

    • Thank you for the really good explanation. I find it amazing that E. Hubble has drawn a straight line through the pile of dots. Not easy to see, I find.

    • The universe is still unfolding, and faster all the time. Nice!

    • The Universe is expanding at least for now…could it be that after enough black holes combine or merge that eventually a super massive black hole could cause another Big Bang ….a cyclic, recycled universe which would follow along with the ideas that matter and energy and thus information is never essentially destroyed…

    • Fantastic and clear

    • Thanks to Prof. Adam Reiss for thee audit!

      The raisin loaf keeps rising. Parallax for distancing. Light houses or 90 km laser sun. Fog horns, objects of known size. Super novae as standard candles. Redshift expansion of space. Edwin Hubble`s efforts. Running the movie backwards for an age and inverse guess of the universe age. Hubble found 2 billion years- he was off.

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