4.4 Observational Signatures

The interference patterns observed in simulations of superfluid dark matter, if borne out by observations, would constitute the largest quantum effect we have ever observed. The thought of massive bulks of dark matter behaving coherently at a quantum level is staggering. Does this seem like a contradiction to you? Do we need to revise our understanding of the quantum world and its relevance to the scale at which we live, if such massive quantum effects turn out to exist? Explain your thinking.
November 23, 2020 at 10:35 am
Well, certainly this is conjuring up an observation which yet remains to be seen “out there”. However, there IS an observation which may be one of the largest string physics effects ever seen: A cosmic string (!). The corresponding article has been published some time ago and can easily be found in the Cornell archive. Having a really strong clue of a cosmic string (according to a prediction of string theory) sets a very high standard which is hard to be challenged.
July 3, 2021 at 6:31 pm
It would be really cool, I will tell you that. It would also be a heads up that we might find other quantum effects on the largest scales like maybe quantum gravitational effects such that we won’t need a huge accelerator to probe quantum gravity, we could use the Big Bang itself as our “accelerator” and watch quantum gravity at work there, either in the CMB or in the gravitational waves coming from the Big Bang.
January 29, 2022 at 3:06 pm
Maybe we are into just one of the branes in the universe. İt requires us to change our sight of the universe.
February 24, 2022 at 7:15 pm
Interesting, do you mean like micro bacteria could be what makes up Dark Matter? which is technically true of our body too… I think the more I learn about our universe, dark matter, energy, holes, expansion, inflation and what the big bang really was it feels like we are living in a science experiment possibly labeled Free Will Time Space Physical Universe… with black holes collecting all the data to be stored at the end. scientist living outside the time space universe…
Thanks again for the course, best of luck on the theory! -
September 4, 2022 at 11:46 am
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
The new data we see with dark matter and Ekpyriotic considerations are all very important. Say that ten times for a tongue twister.
It is okay to shakeup the intellect with things we really had no idea even existing before.
It is amazing this golden age of robotic discovery and computers can allow new recognitions of wonders previously off the radar, sonar, and…now also the gradar.
Due to circumpolar science previously experience, welcoming the new observations seems natural.
Outlandish ideas are due to proximity. I could not escape Nunavut when i was there for a work term.
Superfluidity and massive levels of it seem plausible, just a larger thing to think about.
November 14, 2022 at 11:10 am
If superfluid nature has no viscosity or resists dynamical friction then why can’t the dark matter just goes away after the collision of Milkyway and Andromeda? Why it still stands there as a halo?
March 10, 2023 at 5:19 pm
What if, the superfluidic properties observed are in fact another state. Let me ponder while typing, we have waves, particles, em properties, gravity and so on, now we need a sheet to adhere them to, this sheet being the fabric of the universe. So wave, particle, fabric?, DM?,. Seems to me we know a drop of the ocean in which we exist.
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