World Science Scholars

1.3 Convergent Evolution

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    • What other examples of convergent evolution in nature can you think of?

    • Wings, differences in male and female gametes.

    • Hair (mammals) and bird feathers

    • Hair

    • Immune systems.

    • Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

      What other convergent evolutions are there?

      Ituna, Sk province in Canada has a valley of dragonflies.

      But as I study dragonflies outside of Ituna, not all outside of the prairie heat develop a bubble helmet for their eye stalks.

      Most dragonflies have closed helmets we think are their eyes, but Itunas…clouds of dragonflies have open helmets on the sides, better for ramming speed, better for cooling.

      Their eyestalks look like lobster stalks that swivel- not an eyeball!

    • The pouch in both the opossum and kangaroo.

    • resistencia antibiotica

    • Colour to match it’s environment better

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