1.3 Particle Energy Limitations
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September 11, 2020 at 4:33 pm
Before we delve more deeply into the details of particular kinds of collisions, what do you think are the limitations of particle accelerators/colliders in achieving even higher particle energies? Explain your answers.
October 8, 2020 at 1:10 pm
Reach higher energies. I think building a collider that achieves even higher energies is challenging from a technological point of view.
October 8, 2020 at 3:34 pm
There is a speed limit cap for the particles. We know that C is the fastest speed we can have, and we can say that we can achieve higher particle energy with higher speed, but there will be a point where that speed will capped out. We need to find another way to increase particle energy other than speed.
October 21, 2020 at 6:54 am
cannot figure out a way to isolate Planck size particles. or more particulars about Higgs field.
November 10, 2020 at 4:47 pm
The amount of energy required to continue to accelerate particles to incrementally higher speeds approaches infinity asymptotically as their speed approaches the speed of light.
November 18, 2020 at 3:20 pm
One large problem is the safe management of the stored energy while operating the machine
December 16, 2020 at 7:55 pm
The B-field energy required for centripetal acceleration of particles is more so a limiting factor than the speed of light (no energy limit due to asymptotic nature).
January 12, 2021 at 1:15 pm
C is the maximum speed any particle can achieve as at now and this presents a liability to discovering new physics beyond bombarding protons at c. Maybe accelerating the particles beyond c may result into something more complex and new, who knows!
January 14, 2021 at 7:26 am
“what do you think are the limitations of particle accelerators/colliders in achieving even higher particle energies” mainly the issue is the power of the magnetic field that keeps particles in curvature. As far as I know at the moment the biggest “jump” in technology was to switch to magnets operating as superconductors. Since there is no great way to improve that part of hardware the only way to have higher energy which means higher speed (closer to ‘c’) is to make the whole accelerator bigger.
May 24, 2021 at 11:48 am
Collider energy is directly proportional to its size, therefore collider size is the limiting factor. For exciting developments we would need to build it in space.
May 24, 2021 at 2:41 pm
You are almost correct. Due to the fact that Dark Energy would require asymptotical amounts of energy, the collider would have to be larger than the universe.
August 28, 2021 at 11:09 am
To the best of my understanding of how particle accelerators work, I think there are two reasons that pose potential challenges when we try reaching to even higher energies,
1. Very strong magnetic fields are used to focus the energetic particles to make sure that the collisions happen at higher energies. As the particles gain more and more energy, the strength of the magnetic fields used to keep the particles in focus must increase too. At very high energies, the magnetic fields needed to focus the particles rises which forms a challenge.
2. For Linear accelerators, the length of the accelerators must be large to energize the particles to high energies. This forms another potential challenge for high energy particle accelerators.
In general, despite the design of the particle accelerators, as we reach out to higher and higher energies, the size of the accelerators go up which in turn cause the cost to go up.
August 30, 2021 at 10:08 pm
Higher energy means higher costs to build and maintain accelerators which will make it difficult to get funding
September 3, 2022 at 9:02 am
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
In reading of this, we see funding limits the tools built for experiments.
Also, when listening to the production manager for the JWST, he cites the need for space facilities to work from. This may be a wishlist item for scientist in collider work also.
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December 15, 2022 at 11:54 am
The existing fields in adjacent time-space, could be tricky to work around them in unexpected ways.
April 5, 2023 at 6:03 am
Need more input, always funding, maybe colliders around earth or possibly solar system size, galactic? what do you think of one in orbit of the great attractor? Limits are what we put on ourselves.
July 21, 2023 at 2:15 pm
I believe speed of light won’t create a problem because we already are colliding protons in LHC at 99.9999% speed of light. The fact is in doing so we need to have larger size of collider or accelerator and LHC is about 27Km in Circumference with four detectors placed on its circumference far away from each other. So, to observe particle with even high energy is now depending on the way of observation and size of accelerator/collider.
July 27, 2023 at 8:55 am
Ladies & Gentlemen,
We need a space platform Particle Accelerator but then that needs its own nuclear power, currently not possible with Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Is a rogue nation with high energy collisions in space going to be targeted for sanctions?
Will science go rogue for a better,
high energy collider?CLG
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August 20, 2023 at 10:55 pm
Randomness, almost need something to spiral particles together before or after collisions trying to create stable particles idk would be cool but there’s tons of limitations what a broad question
September 27, 2023 at 4:15 am
Particle accelerators encounter notable challenges in the pursuit of higher energies. One major obstacle is the immense scale required for construction and maintenance, as the size and complexity of accelerators increase dramatically with rising energy goals. As particle energies increase, technical challenges become more formidable, particularly in areas such as stabilizing particle beams at higher energies and mitigating energy loss. Material limitations, technological advancements, and safety concerns, encompassing both physical integrity and potential risks from high-energy collisions, contribute to the complexities. Additionally, as energies escalate, the benefits of new discoveries may exhibit diminishing returns, necessitating a thoughtful evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of further advancements. Successful progression requires international collaboration, conceptual innovation, and ongoing technological development to deepen our understanding of fundamental particles and their interactions.
October 1, 2023 at 7:37 pm
Particle colliders/accelerators are and will continue to experience significant challenges in achieving higher particle energies. Even besides from a scientific point of view, there are important economics in the situation, as more technology is required, more money is required, this generally comes in the form of governments or company funds. Also, time is needed for technological advancement as well as the particle accelerator development once developed. After this, further scientific research is necessary to create controlled and understood experiments allowing us to innovate and study these fundamental particles and their high energy interactions, as well as any other further discovery.
October 1, 2023 at 7:38 pm
Particle colliders/accelerators are and will continue to experience significant challenges in achieving higher particle energies. Even besides a scientific point of view, there are important economics in the situation, as more technology is required, more money is required, this generally comes in the form of governments or company funds. Also, time is needed for technological advancement as well as the particle accelerator development once developed. After this, further scientific research is necessary to create controlled and understood experiments allowing us to innovate and study these fundamental particles and their high energy interactions, as well as any other further discovery.
November 5, 2023 at 8:16 am
To go beyond 125GeV my understanding is the accelerator needs to be much bigger.the size of the super conducting magnets, the detectors and the cameras all would involve money. In a world full of so many natural disasters, war, inflation and cyber attacks, who will be willing to fund this?
January 17, 2025 at 5:53 pm
Current superconducting magnet technology limits the strength of magnetic fields, requiring either larger collider sizes or breakthroughs in materials like high-temperature superconductors. Synchrotron radiation, especially for lighter particles like electrons in circular colliders, imposes energy loss constraints, necessitating linear designs at higher energies.
March 4, 2025 at 5:51 pm
Higher particle energies requires that the accelerator/collider would of had to withstand the even higher energy collisions or maintain the construction of the itself (as well as the safety of it). Advance in technology would have to seek a way to maintain/create suitable conditions for higher particle energies.
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