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World Science Scholars

1.7 Inflation Discussion

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    • The inflationary theory has been able to provide answers to many questions that were previously thought to be outside the purview of science. Yet, even though our fundamental understanding of the evolution of the universe has progressed significantly, we seem no closer to resolving various key issues, like “What was before the Big Bang?” Do you think we will ever reach a full understanding of questions such as these, or will our progressions in science only expose new unanswerable mysteries?

    • Yes, what was before big bang? What and how was our universum at t0? Was there something before big bang or from what our universe actually started? These questions concerning the fundamental beginning are tough ones. Maybe that will belong to the realm of mystery or faith and all science should start from planck unit after t0. Who knows…

    • The idea of a multiverse answers quite a few questions, the one about a period before “our” big bang possibly being easier than most others. One of the problems with it is simply the vocabulary: How do you name the space between the individual universes? Relevant, because big bangs happen right there, right now – and are not likely to stop. Another possibility, not quite so evident: Our universe might have a predecessor, but there are a few problems with this idea too.

    • My expectation is that we will be able to look back progressively further in time but there may be an asymptotic stopping point, and more questions will also always be raised and remain unanswered.

    • Let us simply hope that the spirit of enquiry will embrace the challenge of future complexities. It was once said of Newton that he had got as close to the truth and to probe further risked getting dangerously close to god – we have gone a long way further down the road!

    • Multiverse answers to a few questions, the one about a period before “our” big bang possibly being easier than most others. How do you name the space between the individual universes? Relevant, because big bangs happen right there, right now – and are not likely to stop. Another possibility, not quite so evident: Our universe might have a predecessor, but there are a few problems .

      • This looks familiar … ;o)
        Well, a likely answer to the question about the space between universes, in analogy to, e.g. InterGalactic Medium (IGM) or IntraCluster Medium (ICM), would obviously be InterUniversal Medium, IUM.
        To clarify the other point: There might be “predecessors” to our Universe, as there are new universes created in the IUM all the time, all over the place. I don’t think of an immediate predecessor specific to our Universe here. Essential problem: If the IUM is expanding, we are facing the question about this origin again, like with our Big Bang, “just” on a higher level. I don’t like to consider any infinity, but in this case it seems to apply.

    • Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

      I do think that the problems and mysteries of the origins of the universe will be ended as theory.

      We may be years away from Prof. Carlo Rovelli s white hole revelations also, with FRB proof since 2001 (He is our new Einstein).

      These things can take time. So while the mysteries will end, we have a new world.

      The answers that the Big Bang Theory provided eventually became untenable to explain the beginnings of the universe.

      In 1980 and afterwards, the new cosmic inflation theory has ousted the old Big Bang theory, but yet is also still theory being developed into chaotic inflation. That s only over 30 years or so, so we can expect new developments.

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    • What if, 13.8 billion light years is just the limit of vision, and the universe continues. I mean we’re always talking about infinities, why can’t we admit we found one. infinity doesn’t have to start at zero, that can just be another point on the infinite line. It just seems to me that we are coming back to an earth centric universe model, by deducing that since we can’t see further than that we must be the center of the universe. Instead of just realizing that that’s as far as we can detect anything.

    • I think it’s just a matter of time for science to find a logical and rational way to unravel these primordial mysteries, since the beginning of civilization, the scientific community has shown us that everything is possible through studies, like other questions that were once considered as impossible to solve, in the distant future the coming generations will deal with these problems as a simple equation.

    • Ladies and Gentlemen,

      When we try to understand our Professors, we see Andrei Linde has a photography site on Flickr he is very proud of.


      The book PROBABLE IMPROBABILITIES by Alan Lightman (2021) talks of Prof. Linde in his chapter entitled ” The Man Who knows Infinity” on page 163.

      One of the stories told is about Linde translating a symposium with deceased Prof. Hawkings, p. 181- 182.

      Hawking had a half hour before an audience saying why one of his translators was wrong about his scientific work.

      Linde wheeled Hawking into a room after the symposium, and for an hour and a half explained his theory to Hawking.

      Hawking kept saying over and over ” You did not tell this before. You did not tell this before. ”


      We need to post the topic tags in our postings – Beginning of the Universe, big bang, cosmic inflation 🙂.


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