World Science Scholars

2.5 Changing Properties at Different Scales

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    • How might the properties of life change at different scales, from microscopic organisms to entire planets?

    • The human race must transition into an advanced social system. This involves changing the foundation of the human race from its first static system to its second law based system. Machines in fact are alive, but at this time appear to be confined to how we build them. Technology must be used to complete the transition but Sarah fails to take into account that humans must do all of the changing, technology is now & will until we advance be little more than a weapon against. Humans must now create models of advanced social systems using technology. The reality of today is that we need a way to see what advance is. Technology creates that ability for us to view the advantages of advance, that allows humans to change the system.

    • Not sure if I properly understand the question. As the scale gets bigger you end up with more emergence and complexity although the base laws/rules may not change or only change slightly to accommodate the larger scales and properties from emergence.

    • So, understanding life’s scales of interaction is how to study life?
      “How might the properties of life change at different scales, from microscopic organisms to entire planets?”
      I always answer a specific question through Virginia Klenk’s textbook, “Understanding Symbolic Logic”, and relating the question to what the question refers to. Sara asks this question assuming that I studied her question, and did the exercise, so I can see how the patterns of emergence relates to scaling when answering this question. Now that I understand why this question was asked, I do the boring work. The question is posed logically. It passes the test, but only after working it through what she taught me. I’m learning. I won’t repeat this paragraph in the future. Please hold me to account if I err on future answers to the course questions. I am considering a college entrance essay for someone who has some college, which I have. Here it goes.
      The properties of life might change at different scales depending on the rules. On our planet, we have rules. Do I know all the rules? No. Does anyone? No. Will I, you, or any single one human know all the rules? No. Thank “Took” for A.I. The emergence of A.I. took this planet producing microscopic life to us to make A.I. occur. Under the “properties of life”, how do different scales work here on Earth? I ask this question first because I only have this planet to study, but how an Astro-Biologist asks is the same way I do. I once read that hunting needn’t necessarily have emerged here. If hunting never emerged, would we be here? No. We are a unique assemblage from that “life emergence” property here. Our specie, from what we know, grew big brains from scavenging meat to grow big brains, but we only did that while observing nature, processing that information, and engaging in the desire for a better way to get more meat. When meat is cooked, we happen to digest it even better than when that meat is raw for our big brain development. Now, imagine that if they made that transition while living in savannas. Savannas burn a lot from lightning strikes which kill, and cook critters. Did our human ancestors (some former human species) desire bigger brains? They wanted to eat, and already possessed the ability to eat critters, and as soon as they could, devised ways to use tools to replicate this process of having cooked meat as often as possible. I use this example as a good way to study why a mostly vegetarian species of human unwittingly influenced our present. Now we hunt the supermarket.
      All the ingredients to answer the question are in that example. Hunting may or may not have given us the big brain, but hunting was an emergent thing on this planet, and the article I read so long ago allows me to answer it.
      Hunting occurred early here. When human species could hunt, they did. I’ll say that until life is found outside Earth, if ever, I don’t ever think our distant offspring will visit that life because that other planet will be eons of distance from us. For now, I guess that the properties of life changing at differing scales from microscopic organisms to entire planets always depends on the planet in question. What rules some other planet must follow to produce what properties of life is only known through our rules. I can imagine a planet creating the hunting behavior only through our rules. I can’t understand how some people argue that life could exist on Jupiter as gigantic balloons floating in the clouds, or that any other element other than carbon could produce life. Assuming that life requires microscopic to anything larger is all I can see happening, no matter how cool it would be to find life in Jupiter’s clouds. I believe the patterns require the same rules as the “logic machine” at this lesson’s end.

    • That is an interesting perspective of how we learned to develop our “big brains” from hunting, and I certainly agree that hunting must have been an element of what influenced us as a species to evolve, but if such -subjectively speaking- small changes in environment are that big a condition, that would in my opinion mean that the smallest of alterations to the planet’s delicate ecosystem would likely lead to drastic changes in who (or what) we are today, of course that is saying that we would be here at all. However, such conclusions lead to the question that if it is merely such trivial circumstances as hunting places and our metabolism that allows for the development of “big brains” as we currently know them, then on the cosmic scale where, as is commonly known, every planet has such unique conditions that humans wouldn’t be able to live there, how might life develop and even if it did, would it be anything close to resembling us? I think not, and even if it did, like said by Chris Adkins, those (however unlikely) life forms would be separated from us by unimaginably large distances.
      All in all though, the example of the impact of hunting on the development of “big brains” is, in my opinion, an example of The Butterfly Effect Theory in full glory.
      Do you agree?

    • Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

      The properties of life from microscopic to entire planets alter depending upon the building blocks.

      When we see a challenge of chemistry vs. information systems, the basic building blocks of the chemistry may decide the structures of the information systems.

      When variables of cell boundaries, genetics and chemistry combine, the outcomes can alter in the forms of higher life information processes.

      To be more exacting- the basis and building blocks can decide the planetary outcome.

    • 1111

    • The human race must transition into an advanced social system. This involves changing the foundation of the human race from its first static system to its second law based system. Machines in fact are alive, but at this time appear to be confined to how we build them. Technology must be used to complete the transition but Sarah fails to take into account that humans must do all of the changing, technology is now & will until we advance be little more than a weapon against. Humans must now create models of advanced social systems using technology. The reality of today is that we need a way to see what advance is. Technology creates that ability for us to view the advantages of advance, that allows humans to change the system.

    • Life isn’t about surviving or extending the number of years life can live. It is about culture and socialization.

    • This question arises my reflections on life from a philosophical perspetive in Buddhism. The Oneness, means that the low state are as much an expression of life energy as the high states of physicality. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of each living oganism in the universe.
      One famous saying in practising yoga, which is where focus goes, energy flows. This saying has similar idea with The Butterfly Effect Theory mentioned above. One single thought from an individual at a single moment will cause great energy/impact on the environment. It’s the idea that small things can have non-linear impacts on a complex system.

    • Slow to fast, but really the African Gray Parrot can talk the same as a kindergartener. Racism is just going to guarantee failure in this realm.

    • Ladies and Gentlemen,

      Prof. Wolfram says we never know the simulation til we run it, so it is good practicum to do exercises here.

      Thanks to Prof. SkyWalker and Prof. Greene & Co. for WSU.

      This may be somewhat extraneous to the question asked here, but here is my Pinterest Exoplanet board click-

      Have a good day! Let`s get there! 🙂

    • The properties of life can show significant changes at different scales, from microscopic organisms to entire planets. Here are some summarized ways in which these changes can occur:

      Size and complexity: As we move from microscopic organisms to macroscopic organisms such as plants and animals, there is an increase in structural and functional complexity. Larger organisms have more cells, tissues, organs and specialized systems, allowing for a greater diversity of functions and interactions.

      Metabolic rate: The metabolic rate, or the speed at which chemical reactions occur in the body, can vary on different scales. Microscopic organisms such as bacteria generally have faster metabolic rates compared to larger organisms. This is related to the size of cells and the need to process nutrients and produce energy proportionately.

      Ecology and Interactions: As we move to larger scales such as ecosystems and the biosphere, the properties of life expand to include complex interactions between different species and components of the environment. The diversity of organisms, the food chain, biogeochemical cycles and symbiotic relationships are examples of emergent properties that arise in large-scale interactions.

      Planetary Influence: On even larger scales, such as the planetary level, the properties of life can affect and be affected by global environmental factors. For example, the activity of living organisms can influence a planet’s atmospheric composition, nutrient availability, and climate stability. Likewise, planetary factors such as geological and atmospheric conditions can shape the distribution and evolution of life.

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