2.6 Discussion

What are the advantages and disadvantages in the approaches of the different experiments Prof. Freese outlined to detect WIMPs?
June 8, 2022 at 9:26 pm
1. Producing particles in colliders
pros – technique used and worked to find Higgs boson, so now try to collide two photons of higher energy, resulting in chain of super symmetric particles decaying to WIMP particle, which then escapes detection so can be observed as missing energy
cons – even if determine missing energy don’t know how long survived for ( and have to know life for if only short, can’t be Dark Matter )
2. CMS detector
pros – waits for particles to hit detector and observe energy nuclei gains from collision, potential findings already
cons – hard to detect as interactions are rare, also this has to be carried out underground to avoid particles which have stronger interactions with nuclei ( so would mask any WIMP interaction ) such as cosmic rays
3. In-direct detection
– uses WIMPS annihilation, when they annihilate particles turn into photons of high energy ( gamma rays ), which detectors can then be used to look for
cons – less annihilation occurring between WIMPS now due to expansion of universe ( as antiparticle and particle pairs further apart so less likely to annihilate with each other )
pros – still excess DM in centre of galaxy, so if look there, possible to find the gamma rays produced by annihilation of WIMPS ( if more where detected than expected ) -
August 7, 2022 at 10:19 pm
I really feel like she could’ve been the lady on the other side of the dark matter we see like “where the **** is this stuff going?”
September 12, 2022 at 7:27 am
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
To detect Dark Matter can require physics beyond the Standard model. A new model needs to exist. This is a huge undertaking. This may be a disadvantage.
Most evidence of dark matter is based upon gravitational lensing.
No conclusive signal has been found so far on WIMPS.
Producing particles in accelerators may require more powerful accelerators than currently exist, or the need to place colliders in space. That’s expensive.
Compact Muon Solenoids (CMS) detect by energy or momentum that is missing. So what can be proven is what isn`t there. That is ok, but may be less conclusive than a Higgs-boson concrete science.
Indirect detection can find a missing trail- of Gamma rays in Fermi Bubbles. Gamma rays also emit from black holes. This is a good method, the best, as gamma rays are known factors on the electromagnetism scale.
April 4, 2023 at 11:57 am
I think we need to pursue all that we can then keep going till we find it. As well, we may need to go back over the last few centuries to see if we maybe missed something along the way. Forward reverse forward reverse until we finally make it make sense.
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