World Science Scholars

23.4 The Lorentz Transformation

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    • In deriving the Lorentz transformation relating t and x to given values of t′ and x’, I didn’t go through an algebraic derivation. Instead, I played a little game–I interchanged the roles of primed and unprimed variables while also changing the sign of the velocity in the equations relating t′ and x′ to given values of t and x. What do you think? Is this a fully Kosher move?

    • I guess it depends on understanding level.
      If you feel you understood it then great else going through the derivation and understanding it from the depth won’t do any harm.

    • Yes, makes perfect sense. I will try the full algebraic monty as an exercise

    • Yup. It works.

    • There is nothing which singles out one system from the other system in their relation with each other.

    • No system is unique! So i believe it was right.

    • Looks right

    • It full fills the requirement

    • The platform perspective has the train moving to the right along the positive axis of x. The train perspective (from our bird’s eye view) has the platform moving to the left along the negative axis of x. Therefore it seems reasonable that the respective views of Lorentz Transformation will be identical except for the direction of velocity. However, the platform view sees the train moving to the right just as the view from the train window also has the platform scooting off to the right!

      • It is now the end of May, I have completed the course, and am revising prior to attempting the final exam. I tried to derive the Lorentz Transformations from first principles and failed, emphasizing Brian Greene’s warning that the “mindless” turn of the crank application of these formulae would detract from a deeper understanding of the underlying principles! Oh so true – back to basics for me. Nevertheless a derivation of the formulae in the context of this ‘heavy’ unit might not have been advisable.
        But it has been a really worthwhile journey – Many Thanks 🙂

    • i believe that the method used is correct as, since no frame is non-inertial, we can interchange the values by switching frames to get the results that we need

    • It was good to see the point of view used to change the variable to allow it to fit more easily into the equation.

    • Maybe

    • It was good to see the transformation from that point of view, but I still had to derive it algebraically by myself to be convinced that it all works out in the end.

    • Yes, we did in previous exercises e.g. 22.12, 22.10, 22.9, … 🙂

    • Lorentz transformations are only inertial, moving frames in STR (special theory of relativity) which really sounds similar to an add on to String Theories that seem to bridge knowledge gaps.

      The conundrum Prof. presents to us is what caused Einstein to make his split from former concepts of
      prevailing science (Galilean and Newtonian).

      This is very Kosher to do in a historical documentary on Einstein in history.

      The problem is velocity changes when t1 & x1 are altered.

      Prof. brings us to this problem, defining how Einstein decided he would bring about his overhaul on science.

      Proper Time, Coordinate Systems, Lorentz Transformations

    • it works, while I believe there will come something new to reshape physics into the physical observations, just a thought.

    • It was the best approach for specifically whome,who didn’t go through High school Algebra

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