World Science Scholars

3.5 Discussion

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    • Professor van Raamsdonk brought up the idea that the “fabric of spacetime” emerges from the “threads of quantum entanglement.” Do you think reality could ever be in a state where there’s no quantum entanglement, and therefore, no spacetime? How would you conceptualize a fundamental reality with no space and no time?

    • I think so, yes. Maybe the Big Bang itself was such a state. Maybe it’s also the reason why it started from low entropy – low entanglement, low entropy. You could imagine some “nodes” representing space with absolutely no entanglement in between them which as soon as entanglement happens give birth to space. In this case, you see that I appeal to “time” by saying “happens”, but it could be even simpler: there is no time but instead a superposition of no entanglement/low entanglement/high entanglement states of these “nodes”, whatever their ultimate ontology turns out to be, and that’s what we call “time” – this superposition state.

      • “as soon as entanglement happens”. How do you modelize that if no time exists ?

    • What exactly is entangled in order to create gravity? Are you talking about entanglement of virtual particles? Thanks.

    • One concept that often emerges with string theory is the idea of a “multiverse”. I am trying to wrap my head around what entanglement would mean in terms of understanding the concept of multiple “universes”.
      Exciting times ahead possibly, if the problems of life and trying to live on Earth don’t dominate all of our time and energy – and thought.

    • It is very difficult to conceptualize no space no time. In my imagination it directly translates into total emptiness, absolute nothingness. It is hard to conceptualize the quantum mechanics of nothingness. But it seems that it is quite relevant to the beginnings of the universe as well

    • can we consider dark matter as entangled states of ordinary matter or something of that sort?

      • Or perhaps dark matter is the remnants of previous universes? Since the physics would be different, we probably couldn’t interact with it.

    • Today I took a step forward to conceptualize a fundamental reality with no space and time. As I am a painter I found myself thinking about a blank canvas. Every where the same homogenous state, whatever it is.

      • That’s probably a good “Flatland” version of it. For a good accessible book on the big bang (and before it) I’d recommend a book called A Universe From Nothing by Dr. L. Krauss. It points out that a universe with no space and no time is fundamentally less stable than one with spacetime. So eventually the universe moved to its more stable state via the big bang. Anyhow it’s an interesting read:

    • I am new to all of this so I really don’t have any great answers. All of these comments are wonderful.

    • It is possible that if we extend our definition and understanding of quantum gravity that it becomes apparent that each entanglement of space time becomes multidimensional. While string theory posits that reality is the harmonic variances of strings in space, quantum entanglement, much like loop quantum gravity would suggest that each entangled particle is like a grain of sand and makes up space itself. I am inclined to lean this direction.

    • When gravitation is consistent amongst all that is in the universe, everything will move more according to expectation in observation.

    • Think of Brian Greene’s sliced bread analogy and imagine where there is no loaf.

    • We are limited by our own perceptions and processing in our brains. To truly imagine “ nothingness” is circuitous as nothing becomes a thing to conceptualize. The quantum wave function evolves and it seems reasonable that the associated entanglements would give rise to the emergence of space time but the very first starting point of the wave function is still beyond our reach.

    • Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon occurring purely in quantum systems

    • Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

      The afterlife is said to be beyond the physical world vibratory levels.

      I have studied the death and dying experience and it is uncanny to hear a physics Prof. search for meaning and truth beyond space and time.
      Mostly religion claims to own this experience, but the science behind it is documented.

      It is nice to have questions in science settled, and not to re-invent the wheel.

      Often the power factions of prevailing philosophies make it impossible to settle the questions that search for truth.

      When tribal cohesion needs taboos, it could be stronger.

      10% of North Americans die and return to life. They seem to be in places beyond space and time.

      Brown and Bifost (not Bifeld) created the theory behind the weaponry called the B2 bombers, which prove many things.

      Public debate may require sound bytes but military survival is B2 reality, as a weapon that seems to be outside space and time.

      I think what we see debated has been decided at a military top brass level, and it has proven to work.

      B2s go invisible and can float in the ether. If we call aEther the word quantum now, B2 bombers float in the quantum, or the quantum foam.

      Military is often years ahead of public awareness by censorship or teachings. There is a niche for progressive people to advance beyond public school teachings.

      Don`t ring the bell if you go to the Navy SEAL training! 🙂

    • Well, you’ve failed to get me to take the pill, I don’t see myself in the Matrix although it was a great movie. Is there someplace out of time, possibly, out of space, again possible, can they ever be proven to exist, definitely not, for you would have to move out of space and time to get the proof. On entanglement, in my mind I visualize all things in this universe as entangled, the conundrum to me is that science has found so few examples of it. Maybe we’ll find a correlation between a virtual chip and reality but I can’t see it yet.

    • Yes I do think reality could be in a state where there’s no quantum entanglement. Assuming it’s sound to conclude that “no quantum entanglement” implies “no spacetime” (re your proposition), we cannot “conceptualize” a fundamental reality with no space and no time. We may, however, eventually derive a mathematical model of such a fundamental reality (but it would very likely be a very difficult “shut-up-and-calculate” equation).

    • Entanglement concepts may carry a qualtiy of consciousness.

      Entangled people become each other, both genetically but also in the mind.

      Prof. Greene allows for sonsciousness as perhaps being a factor as important as matter- energy- space- and time.

      At the we call this MEST.

    • I dobt think this would be ever possible.

    • Ladies and Gentlemen,

      Einstein used the metric of c, the universal constant to define Relativity.

      We can set aside space-time to view Quantum Gravity, but we can also simply keep them separate, large and small, Gravity and Nuclear applications.

      Quantum Gravity uses particle science on the whole spectrum to define Quantum Gravity. This was unavailable at the time Relativity was formed.

      Thanks to Professor van Raamsdonk for the course and topic. Thanks to WSU for the course and challenging questions!

      Thanks to Prof. Priya for her insight to how our science is almost never unbiased.


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    • cool

    • I believe that reality is spacetime and that everything is related to entanglement. I can’t see a reality without space-time.

    • Very interesting!
      I would like to associate the fact that our consciousness collapses the infinite possibilities into one reality that we are creating with the idea in fashion now that we’re living in a simulation. My conclusion would be that we may be living in a simulation of our own creation, not one created by a child in an advanced civilization playing a video game.

    • Envision a void that is also a plenitude, a nothingness that contains everything in potential form. A formless form.

    • Very Interesting.

    • I believe some of things that we experience is due to entanglement.

    • Very informative. Looking at reality through a spiritual, scientific, and philosophical lens, it will be interesting to see what kind of belief systems will be birthed in this age of information.

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