3.5 “Who Ordered This?” Discussion

Is symmetry a purely human construct? Is it all in our minds? Are we obsessed with describing nature in one single formula, or is symmetry in fact deeply innate to nature?
August 11, 2021 at 12:14 pm
Is symmetry a purely human construct? Is it all in our minds? Are we obsessed with describing nature in one single formula, or is symmetry in fact deeply innate to nature?
Symmetry is all in the mind because the mind is our science tool for observing the universe. Symmetry on the surface requires three dimensions of space and I guess one of time 3 +1 = 4
But symmetry is also deeply innate to nature and our quantum biology informs us that this is true if we can make enough space within by letting the egoic component of mind to relax and allow the underpinning quantum view onto nature to reveal its view.
I think of the symmetry of nature as a fractal a quantum lead fractal as if Greater Nature created worlds and organic life so as it can indirectly learn about its own construct. Symmetry maybe a natural construct and nature maybe like a bad case of acme. Zits popping in and out of existence.
August 11, 2021 at 12:18 pm
Dark Energy Number.122 Zero in front of the 138 in the Dark Energy Number can be thought to be found in the (CMB) temperature range.
-273.15 Absolute Zero
-274.15 Cosmic Microwave Background at One degree above Absolute Zero.
-275.15 Cosmic Microwave Background at Two degrees above Absolute Zero.
-276.15 Cosmic Microwave Background at Three degree above Absolute Zero.Lets pretend there is a third implicate math that works via the quantum realm though the number zero. Each counting number on a number line has a power of one and a base of one and both of those one’s for each number belongs to the zero on the Cartesian plain. Ok so lets look at these numbers with an idea in mind that has two sets of rules.
Rule one: A number viewed from the hundred’s Colum must be counted three times as if it has the same count in the ten’s Colum and the units Colum.
A number viewed in the ten’s Colum must be counted two times as if it has the same count in the ten’s Colum as if in the units Colum. And the unit’s are counted once.Rule two: Any number/ numbers on the other side of the decimal point is are treated differently. They are simply added to create a sum tally number.
Apply rule one and rule two:
-273.15 Absolute Zero
-274.15 Cosmic Microwave Background at One degree above Absolute Zero.
-275.15 Cosmic Microwave Background at Two degrees above Absolute Zero.
-276.15 Cosmic Microwave Background at Three degree above Absolute Zero.2 = 6 Zero’s, 7 = 14 Zero’s, 3 = 3 Zero’s, (decimal point) 1 + 5 = 6. -273.15 (6 + 14 + 3 + 6 = 29) Twenty nine zero’s.
2 = 6 Zero’s, 7 = 14 Zero’s, 4 = 4 Zero’s, (decimal point) 1 + 5 = 6. -273.15 (6 + 14 + 4 + 6 = 30) Thirty zero’s.
2 = 6 Zero’s, 7 = 14 Zero’s, 5 = 5 Zero’s, (decimal point) 1 + 5 = 6. -273.15 (6 + 14 + 5 + 6 = 31) Thirty one zero’s.
2 = 6 Zero’s, 7 = 14 Zero’s, 6 = 6 Zero’s, (decimal point) 1 + 5 = 6. -273.15 (6 + 14 + 6 + 6 = 32) Thirty two zero’s.
29 + 30 + 31 + 32 = 122 -
August 13, 2021 at 11:21 pm
It appears that the motivation for symmetry, is likely due to the intuitive understanding that things grow complex or emerge out of simpler states… a seed eventually becomes a huge tree and eventually a forest. Seeking symmetry has proven to be an integral component of knowledge attainment in building the connecting blocks of inter-connecting knowledge; sometimes, these information are not more fully understood until more information is added. The reason symmetry is so alluring is that it has historically brought profound insight, and continues to be relevant; being easily scaled into additional newly acquired knowledge. So that Maxwell’s electromagnetism unification continues to be an utterly rich area that is continually added to; whereas the moon as a block of cheese couldn’t be added to further, lacking sufficient symmetric knowledge to be elaborated upon. Symmetry is seen everywhere across phenomena, Mercury’s wobble scaled out produces beautifully symmetric floral-like geometries. The human-construct paths seem to closely match concepts either programmed, or are a feature of the human mind. Such as, the still pervasive notion that space implies nothing, or a void of nothingness, is certainly a persistent cultural relic. We now know space is an anamorphic-coherence of standard model forces, via resolution in computational illustrations. That are highly dynamical, nanosecond-periodicity fluctuations, of continuous permutations of spherical-configurations of gluconic fields throughout space. The very same gluconic force which holds the quarks into proton validity; both of these fundamental constituents upholding their identity coherence for time-values older than the universe itself. Perhaps this pervasive-permutative energy potential is a type of energy-boundary that holds dimensions into an alignment, a universal Frolink-type resonating magnetic alignment, whose inter-connectivity is revealed at higher energies, higher magnifications, or higher harmonic oscillations. Obtained by exotic technologies, including… potentially innumerable methodologies for manipulating phenomena. This hypothesis would be symmetrical to our current understanding of the universal laws of general relativity, quantum mechanics and the sought-after description of gravity, from the dominant string theory which includes the additional dimensions. Apparently, these dimensions beyond the current three dimensional framework are too tiny in scale to be resolved; this expands the potential dimensions as not exclusively being of a scale variant obstacle, but a frequency barrier. Additionally, linking the areas of CFT into the ongoing unification of cohesive blocks of descriptive information, by having the global conformal-action being achieved by this magnetic permutation-sheath of these pervasive gluconic fields across the vacuum of space. This potentially expands the symmetry to include the three families of standard model constituents, with the additional two energy levels being required in higher dimension functions. The interlinked total explaining the ephemeral nature of the many particles’ mysterious looping dynamics; the Cauchy functions describing the movements across dimensional architecture. The spooky-action-at-a-distance, or non-locality entanglement exposing these tensor features beyond the gluconic resonating membrane barrier. I would like to say Thank you to the profound works of Robbert Dijkgraaf, whose unique position of having great knowledge in both physics and maths, has done enormous unification of the two fields, showing that they are symmetric sides of a universal coin. Not to mention the endless work at the Institute of Advanced Studies, where these all encompassing studies are the evolutionary forefront, where what appears to be science fiction and futuristic fantasy meet the hard reality of proof… Of proving the viable threads between idea, into consistent theory… Where the only regressions in progress are the barriers of societal prioritization. Even though Einstein thrived at the Institute, it appears his words and knowledge, like his contemporaries today… continue to be pondered as to how society prioritizes it’s objectives, between choosing universal knowledge, or funding redundant power struggles, with his effervescent humorous yet highly relevant words… The good and bad thing about the universe is that both the universe and human stupidity are apparently infinite.. a highly symmetric quote, that may not be exact in nature, but a good example of symmetry none the less.
Thank you,
Michelle Grace -
July 18, 2022 at 11:57 pm
We are obsessed with Beauty and it easier for us to describe the Symmetric part of the universe. I think this part of the universe is more abundant and therefore for us, it is easier to be recognized than unsymmetrical reality. The language of math is actually created by our mind to efficiently describe nature.
August 6, 2022 at 6:36 pm
I’d consider it in our minds in a perception of “magnification” sense, with a conceptual magnification adjustment necessary to fully understand.
September 5, 2022 at 8:05 am
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
There is a convergence of three forces of weak, strong, and electromagnetic at higher levels.
This isn`t imagination.
So the symetry or unifications of that energy is a reality.
I think it is important that our Prof. has stated the maps of regions on the earth may always be separate from a single map. This may indicated levels of knowledge, but may also be reality. -
April 2, 2023 at 11:52 am
hmm, symmetry, yin/yang, up/down, near/far… It appears that wherever we look we see it, I wonder if we’ll ever find something without an opposite, maybe that will be the grand unification, the finding of that which does not fit that makes all others seem to fit better.
June 17, 2024 at 11:12 am
Our recognition of symmetry in science and art stems from its presence and practical importance in the natural world. Human cognition is designed to see patterns, and we see this symmetry embedded in the structure of nature. It would be difficult to dismiss symmetry as a guiding principle because it is a fundamental universe aspect.
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