3.6 Proving the Existence of Life

Assuming we do detect a planet that has all the characteristics described by Dr. Sasselov (rocky but watery, slightly larger than the earth, in the Goldilocks zone), how do you think we should follow up to definitely prove that it contains life? Do you think we will ever be able to say with certainty that there is life on a distant planet from thousands of light years away? Would you ever be convinced by data that was entirely collected from afar? Explain your answer.
November 29, 2020 at 9:48 am
It’s hard to say that there surely is life in planet far away from earth. We cannot take samples, and if many light years away, there is that time difference too. If planet which we are studying is say thousand light years away, it takes thousand years to light to travel from there to reach us.
June 19, 2021 at 8:28 am
This is an important question and one that is tricky to answer. Let’s take a look at our neighbouring sister planet Mars; scientists believe that there is a possibility of the existence life on it. Irrespective of the fact that this planet is closer to earth than one that is thousand of light years away and that humans have been able to send exploratory robots/ machines to aid their search, we still haven’t been able to locate evidence of life on it. So we can infer that even if we find a planet with all the characteristics listed above it will be insanely difficult to identify evidence of life on it except if we are lucky to spot some form of being jetting off in a alien-like designed space craft from this planet then at this point we did count ourselves lucky.
June 19, 2021 at 8:29 am
This is an important question and one that is at the same time tricky to answer. Let’s take a look at our neighbouring sister planet Mars; scientists believe that there is a possibility of the existence life on it. Irrespective of the fact that this planet is closer to earth than one that is thousand of light years away and that humans have been able to send exploratory robots/ machines to aid their search, we still haven’t been able to locate evidence of life on it. So we can infer that even if we find a planet with all the characteristics listed above it will be insanely difficult to identify evidence of life on it except if we are lucky to spot some form of being jetting off in an alien-like designed spacecraft from this planet then at this point we did count ourselves lucky.
November 21, 2021 at 8:12 am
If there then we should observe and find a way to reach there for more study
January 8, 2022 at 1:45 pm
Agree to seppo and willing to add few points.
Life is hard on other planet for humans because we don’t know where is the suitable conditions and environment for human to live except earth. -
September 1, 2022 at 7:19 am
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
Reciprocity is a SETI term, able to be applied to the region of Sirius nearby.
This term allows for huge array dish signals to send, but also receive.
So we can send messages, but also receive from Sirius.
Opening communications is a first step.
For other regions, it will be to send robotic probes when tech levels develop.
But, as we have seen in previous timelines with Bruno in 1600`s, we may have a long wait to put into action any plan amid cultural restraints. These are very… flaming… real.
August 29, 2023 at 6:54 am
Ladies & Gentlemen,
In classifying the life that can be found elsewhere, we need to recognize atmosphere affects on Earth and known Solar System bodies.
When we can visually see similar atmospheres, and there seem to be commonalities, we can find similar chemical systems.
A more extensive knowledge of atmospheres deepens natural eye viewing and allows us to search for Super Earths and Earths in a systematic way.
Signatures of atmospheres help guide viewing with located G-class, & K, F similar sized stars.
🍵☕🍵🍵P. S. – It is difficult to find Astrobiology books and guidance based upon observation data. This can be correlated, but most studies seem fixated upon large telescope work that can allow for natural eye viewing.
Atmospheres of planets can be seen- even the moons of Jupiter flare up. This adds purpose and meaning to observations.
In Exoplanet searches for goldilocks zones, natural eye viewing may not provide answers, but life can be guesstimated by viewings, however brief. Then the big telescopes can go in for analysis.
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September 17, 2023 at 10:16 am
t’s hard to say that there surely is life in planet far away from earth. We cannot take samples, and if many light years away, there is that time difference too. If planet which we are studying is say thousand light years away, it takes thousand years to light to travel from there to reach us.
March 11, 2025 at 12:03 pm
The Goldilocks zone or habitual zone is the crucial zone of having both temperature and radiation at balance that keeps the planetary atmosphere stable like ours… So, there is a chance of presence of extraterrestrial life on this zone even though they are far from light years….
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