3.9 Black Holes Discussion

Bekenstein and Hawking discovered that the amount of information contained within a black hole is entirely dependent on the area of its event horizon. Does this strike you as odd, that a property so simple such as area can dictate the complexity of a black hole?
July 1, 2021 at 12:49 pm
Since the information contained within a black hole would be due to the accretion of matter, it seem to me in that the area of the event horizon would be a good approximation to its information capacity. But this accretion is not uniform from location to location all over the event horizon. Is there then local areas of concentrate information which then spreads over the surface? Is the surface of a black hole always “smooth” or can there be at least temporary irregularities? Given a black hole which has spin and therefore would have an event horizon that would be ellipsoid in shape, as material falls into the event horizon and the radius changes, would the event horizon oscillate? Would this oscillation cause gravitational waves proportional to amount of matter being accumulated, the spin, and the frequency of the oscillation?
July 23, 2021 at 10:01 am
There seemed to be something contradictory in what we’ve learned. We are told that a black hole is so dense and so massive that nothing that enters its horizon (edge) can escape, but, if I understood Professor Strominger, he stated that there is nothing in the black hole, that space comes to an end.. If that is so, how does it contain information and what happens to the mass that is captured by the gravity of this mass?
July 29, 2021 at 2:22 pm
The amazing fact is the connection of the entropy us given by area of the event horizon on the one hand and the log of the number of possible states on the other.
Every state is capable of storing at least a bit of information. So this tells us that there is a reservoir available to store information. However I have no idea how the information contained in the infilling matter and light could find its place in any one of the states that belong to this entropy. Perhaps the infalling matter must first
reach the singularity and perhaps the structure of the singularity somehow transfers the information to the states on the event horizon -
August 24, 2021 at 10:50 am
The concept does not strike me as odd – nature has dictated that the most efficient (area to volume) container is a spherical bubble. Anything entering the bubble will leave a footprint of its passage on the surface – simple?
August 24, 2021 at 1:13 pm
Roger, Very interesting. What do you imagine the footprint to be like? Integral to the surface? Impressed into the surface? Embossed onto the surface? What would eventually happen to the footprint. Timing? How long would it last? I’d like to hear you extrapolate your thoughts? Fred
October 15, 2021 at 4:03 pm
It could be in the twists and bends of spacetime in that area.
October 15, 2021 at 4:02 pm
If it’s like Samir Mathur is proposing and the surface area of a black hole is actually a physical surface made of strings and the information is stored in there, then no, it’s not surprising at all.
January 18, 2022 at 11:32 am
I agree with Roger Puffett, because how bigger is the area, much ‘alive’ the Black Hole is.
February 8, 2022 at 6:11 pm
No it does not shock me because its quite a simple and straight forward explanation. More space means more information can be stored, therefore the greater the area the greater the entropy.
July 15, 2022 at 9:17 am
Greater the area means we have more room for entropy and therefore I believe the explanation is correct and not surprising.
August 31, 2022 at 7:37 am
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
In the String Theory of Gravity`s explaination, we have really good charts here for recognizing mass, area, and escape velocity.
Thank-you to our Prof. Strominger for this clarity.
When we start to talk of radiation, we start to collaborate on the other forces of weak/strong & electro-magnetism.
The sense that something radiates from black holes defies the logic that nothing does.
And so we see as humans we have human senses not made for the X-Ray radiation detection science has found in some cases as emitting from some black holes.
We may be used to life on earth without the full expression of the electromagnetic spectrum, but our tools allow the detection of things our biology hasn`t yet required of us.
Berkenstein- Hawkins radiation shows we can use other spectrums to observe this radiation. These are thought to be outside of physical perception. This is why humans are more than a physical body.
There is a radiation, and it can be found!
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July 7, 2023 at 10:50 am
The amazing fact is the connection of the entropy us given by area of the event horizon on the one hand and the log of the number of possible states on the other.
Every state is capable of storing at least a bit of information. So this tells us that there is a reservoir available to store information. However I have no idea how the information contained in the infilling matter and light could find its place in any one of the states that belong to this entropy. Perhaps the infalling matter must first -
March 2, 2024 at 5:24 pm
Não acho estranho a área ditar a complexidade do buraco negro. Quanto maior a área, maior a concentração de informação nele, por isso a relação direta também com a entropia.
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