4.4 Illusory Black Holes

In his Office Hours, Professor Strominger mentions that two features of black holes — 1) the fact that we can never observe the inside (while staying outside) and 2) the curious relationship between Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and surface area — lend credence to the idea that black hole interiors may not actually exist and are better understood as holographic illusions. What do you think is the connection between being able to observe something and saying that it exists?
July 29, 2021 at 1:22 pm
To exist means there is location and there is time. Inside the Black Hole BH space-time may have a very complex structure than outside the BH and these inside structures could perhaps be modeled mathematically. Perhaps here time is running backward since everything moves towards the centre with velocities greater than the velocity of light, However since nothing escapes a BH we cannot observe this structure. And so we will never know. This shows that observation is less stronger than existence. The existence may be there but it may not be observable. Whatever we observe however has to exists.
The large number of states coming from the connection of entropy of the BH with number of states, may have its origin in the projection of inner space to the surface of event horizon. But all this is beyond my imagination. Fact is the BHs exist and these have interiors -
January 18, 2022 at 12:47 pm
They’re not only holographic illusions, if they (Black Holes), have mass, an horizont event area, temperature, there must be something inside.
If it’s only an holographic illusion, how some part of the information can not scape? -
February 8, 2022 at 6:43 pm
Being able to observe something is quite different from being able to exist. Existence does not require it to necessary be observed. Such as dinosaurs, humans haven’t observed them but they did exist. Observation provides evidence of existence although, regardless of that existence is still possible.
July 15, 2022 at 9:26 am
black holes do have an interior what I believe is that the actual black hole inside the event horizon is in a higher dimension which which is beyond our perceivable universe.
August 31, 2022 at 7:56 am
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
Being able to observe something and saying it exists sounds very philisophical.
We barely observe the Andromena galaxy, but it is said to be 5 to 6 times larger in the sky than the Earthen Moon, our Luna. It exists, just seemingly on the edge of perception.
So we can say things exist we do not have tools to measure. LIGO measures GRADAR or gravity waves.
The tools eventually develop.
The connection between observation and existence has theories. Theories have predictions. When theories match predictions, we have accurate perceptions.
So we have scientific methods to prove and disprove reality.
That the event horizon is where all information goes to, we see this as a corrolary to how black holes can be… Beyond human scopes of energy… unravelled. String theory allows us to unravel the strings wrapped around an object.
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March 2, 2024 at 5:54 pm
Acredito ser da capacidade de não poder observar o seu interior. Essa forma limitada do conhecimento do interior do Buraco Negro, faz com que criamos várias hipóteses e tentativas para explicar os eventos.
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