4.5 Testing the Multiverse Discussion

In this Master Class, Professor Linde remarks on the challenges in proving the inflationary multiverse. If an infinite number of different universes can be produced, each with different laws of physics, it seems impossible to design an experiment that could falsify the theory. In a given era, is it acceptable to say a theory is wrong if we cannot conceive of a way to prove or disprove it? Should a theorist simply follow their intuitions when no measurable data might be forthcoming?
January 3, 2022 at 8:26 am
Scottish law allows the verdict of “unproven” and so a conclusion of “highly plausible but unproven” may be the best we can do.
January 7, 2022 at 10:24 am
I believe in Multiverse Theory and Superstring Theory.
February 22, 2022 at 2:23 am
This seems more like a mind game. I´m uncomfortable about this as it reminds me of how religious people defend the idea of a god. You cannot prove it but you cannot disprove it either. So then anything goes. On the other hand, the theory seems to ´fit´ in nicely with some proven evidence. I agree with Professor Linde that it is easy to criticize without coming up with a better proposition.
March 7, 2022 at 12:02 pm
Any individual can and should follow any path that triggers their imagination – and market their evidence for their beliefs/theories. Others might choose to stay within the confines of the establishment and also extol the virtues of their particular belief system, finding security in numbers. For those others – we can equally choose to withhold judgement unless and until there is a body of evidence that we find sufficiently convincing. Bigger theories should provide a us with a bigger body of evidence.
October 6, 2022 at 4:24 am
A number of years ago a Japanese diplomat was unwilling to reopen a place of territorial conflict with China again, preferring to leave the question unanswered for a wiser generation. That option seems to have been recently lost.
Questioning the multiverse seems to have a hold on a universe of questions, but all things happen.
So this theory is both condemned and received. The paradoxes of social approval become part of the definitions of this era. Japan cannot escape China and Cosmic inflation cannot escape being too large to run trial experiments on.
Cosmic inflation as incorporating the big bang allows for further development. It refused to leave the big bang but added a cold pre- swish to the heated expansion,.
March 31, 2023 at 4:32 pm
Deniably undeniable, leaves room for thought, I’ll get back to you later, or sooner in an alternate>
July 18, 2023 at 1:01 pm
I believe that many of the great scientists had intuition, and with time and effort managed to prove their theories that in the beginning did not have such solid foundations, with this, Isay that moving forward with an idea, even if everyone denies it, sometimes is a good way to develop the same idea or theory.
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