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World Science Scholars

41.1 Implications for Mass: Intuitive Explanation

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    • There has been a lot of debate whether there is relativistic mass or not. Many textbooks used to include this concept but now even introductory university level textbooks like Halliday Resnick Krane Physics 5th edition, University Physics by Young and Freedman (13th edition onwards) don’t mention this mass variation concept. Even some qualified people have made videos on youtube to negate this concept completely.

      Even LHC people don’t buy this concept!
      Why are you still using it?

      • My (limited) understanding is that this video was developed as part of the short (intuitive) course, and that its value is as an introduction, a teaching aid, to an element of the full math version.
        The use of teaching aids should be selected to be appropriate for the intended audience – as a member of that audience I find the material challenging enough – nevertheless the Don Lincoln videos do make for a useful short, sharp shock of insight.

    • There has been a lot of debate whether there is relativistic mass or not. Many textbooks used to include this concept but now even introductory university level textbooks like Halliday Resnick Krane Physics 5th edition, University Physics by Young and Freedman (13th edition onwards) don’t mention this mass variation concept. Even some qualified people have made videos on youtube to negate this concept completely.

      Even LHC people don’t buy this concept!
      Why are you still using it?

      • I agree. I think relativistic mass has much the same status as Lorentz contraction. It can be a good way of calculating but it doesn’t actually occur. In both cases we can explain completely through time dilation concepts. As you accelerate away from me you move faster and faster with respect to me. As a result I see your time dilating and so your acceleration diminishes: your see yourself continuing to accelerate with 1 m/s^2 for example but I see your second lasting much longer so the amount I see you accelerate in MY second is smaller. There is no need to introduce the concept of relativistic mass to explain this diminished acceleration at higher relative speeds.

    • If the mass is increasing then the kinetic and total energy are increasing. This would be inconsistent with conservation of energy. Where is this “extra” energy coming from ?

    • I have my doubts about this analysis. Time dilation only occurs along the direction of motion. At the moment the two lances touch there is no time dilation component occurring due to evil George’s horizontal motion so (as far as I can see) both lances have exactly the same vertical speed (but in opposite directions) and so exactly the same vertical momentum (but in opposite directions) due to the equal but opposite push that George respectively evil George give their lances.

      Another point is that the bounce off is depicted is from the “stationary” earthbound frame and not George’s frame even though we are talking about how things look from George’s frame. From George’s frame the evil Georges lances comes in from an angle and will strike the top of Georges lance at an angle. George will first see his lance go up vertically (as he pushes it) but will after the collision be pushed down and in the direction of evil Georges motion.

      Finally from Georges reference frame his lance only has upward vertical momentum but evil George’s has both a downward and horizontal vertical momentum. This may have no effect on the analysis but I think you would have to explicitly demonstrate that.

      • Unfortunately I can’t modify my reply above. The paragraph starting with Another point.. is not correct.

    • The thing about the Atom in DC comics with Wonder Woman and Superman is he may be small but he can hit with his full weight, which contradicts how he can fall great distances such as ants do and be OK.

      Ant armour? For ant falls.

      Is there relativistic armour? What good would it be, except to fold away and hide in the bone marrow of Ironman.

    • The invariant mass sounds similar to clusters of galaxies with an isolated system of a gravitational lensing around it of dark matter.

      Invariant mass is measured from the seemingly center of all particles at a small scale, so if this can apply to galaxies, that is a grouping.

      Known factors = less bridging.

      This helps explain dark matter that prefers single, perhaps warmer galaxy habitation.

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