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World Science Scholars

5.3 Fracture Sounds

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    • In addition to using sound to understand the stresses and forces near a crack, what other applications do you see in the interplay of matter and sound?

    • Jjj

    • When you put a plate on a speaker covered with a thin layer of sand when a tone is played a certain pattern is formed by the sand.Maybe you can play protein sounds on the speaker and look for new patterns..

    • Yes, Lucas is right where I am interested- using sounds from the protein library of building blocks can sound vibrationally ‘”suggest” proteins into a situation. The whole singer breaking the glass would suggest something of this nature. Although I am thinking of less dense material like our bodies. I would love to compose with sounds from the library- is that possible?

    • When you put a plate on a speaker covered with a thin layer of sand when a tone is played a certain pattern is formed by the sand.Maybe you can play protein sounds on the speaker and look for new patterns..

    • That’s a difficult question – maybe we could look at the interplay between different proteins or meshes of proteins (tissues) together? Maybe doing this could help us understand cancerous tumors, for example, and devise treatment plans based on their “sound”?

    • Don’t know about any other application but would like to know .

    • Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

      Other applications for sound and matter are the recordings of northern lights. They sound similar to the cracking of ice on a frozen lake.

      This leads to dark matter research and knowing where dark matter is by sound.

      Telescopes relaying chemistry of atmospheres can relay information into sound, to be printed off and this allows long range exploration of space.

    • It would be interesting to find the reverse resonance of structures through this computational synthesis to match frequencies to destroy structures or rip apart materials at the atomic scale. Being able to listen to the resonance, and then restructure the opposite would bring about some very unique properties, think about creating anti mater or anti materials of all materials. Fascinating.

    • When you put a plate on a speaker covered with a thin layer of sand when a tone is played a certain pattern is formed by the sand.Maybe you can play protein sounds on the speaker and look for new patterns..

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