5.5 Quantum Gravity

Some physicists extend the domain of the Holographic Principle from black holes to the observable universe. They infer that our cosmic horizon — the boundary beyond which spacetime is expanding faster than the speed of light — also plays the role of a holographic information storage plate. If this hypothesis were true, how would it change your conception of reality?
July 29, 2021 at 2:03 pm
If the physical inverse is a hologram that can be modeled by the vibrating and rotating strings in dimensions greater than four, then it finally may be possible to explain the origin of the force of gravity.But of course I do not understand how this could be done. This hologram Universe would be an alternative to the Big Bang theory where till now the Big Bang itself belongs to the realm of myths.
August 24, 2021 at 4:34 pm
My conception of reality does not change, as with a (quantum) leap of faith, to accommodate a new theory. Rather it evolves reluctantly, like hanging up a comfortable pair of old, unserviceable jeans as a reminder of the way it was, and wearing the horrid, stiff, blue, new ones in the hope that they will eventually become equally comfortable. And so the story continues…
October 15, 2021 at 5:54 pm
Maybe it’s somewhat true – I still like Samir Mathur’s idea better, that you can’t actually get inside a black hole because it’s made up of strings and the event horizon is a physical surface. It could be that our Universe is also like that – maybe it looks like empty space from inside but if you could go “outside of the cosmological event horizon” it would look like a physical boundary, there. Crazy idea, I know.
July 15, 2022 at 9:35 am
Holographic universe theory might be true however there is no actual way of proving it. On the other hand we have evidence for big bang.
August 31, 2022 at 8:15 am
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
If our cosmic horizon is the same as the event horizon…
It would mean that we live inside a black hole.
If we live inside a black hole- and Frank Herbert tells us that logic is blind-just as there are black holes in galaxy centers, then the universe may only be one of many universes, protected by the might of a black hole by somehow being outside it`s direct influence.
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August 31, 2022 at 8:25 am
How does this change perception of reality?
I never thought we could live in the scientific descriptions of a black hole.
When we look at galactic maps of the Milky Way, we see our small arm in the swirls circling out from the center.
It seems we exist because we are far enough outside of the galactic center, yet not unleashed beyond the protection of the… black hole thug protection us from collisions.
If as a universe we exist inside a simmilar accreted matter on the edge of cosmic boundaries also piling up, our location may also allow us to exist on this boundary.
December 28, 2024 at 4:19 pm
Acredito que temos muito o que aprender e pesquisar sobre o horizonte de eventos. Talvez com um método quântico ou até mesmo aspectos clássicos para o entendimento dos dados que iremos extrair através de telescópios.
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