World Science Scholars

7.1 Time Dilation: Experimental Evidence

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    • I really am beginning to understand time dilation! I am happy to say I could follow the math. You teach so clearly.

    • I’m feeling the same way. The math (in this course) is simple algebra and it shows how everything is related.

    • If time slows down if i travel at the speed of light, does that mean that my body’s biological process of ageing will slow down as well ? in other words, will i age slowly if i travel at the speed of light or at a constant higher velocity ?

      • Not really. You will experiente the same aging process. Its only from the perspective of someone observing you at rest relative to you that will see you age slowly. Its like in the evidence mentioned, for the muon the lifetime is the same, Its for us as observers that see their life lasting longer and allowing them to cover a bigger distance than expected.

    • When the math version of this course will come

    • Waiting for the math version, when can we get it

    • Waiting for the math version, when can we get it

    • Fabulous course, explained brilliantly.

    • Nova really did a great job with these demonstrations!

    • Time slows to a stop as anything approaches the speed of light = 299, 792, 458 m/s

    • Frustrating to have only discovered this website after COVID-19.

      Fantastic material, I hope it stays live long enough to complete everything on here.

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