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World Science Scholars

1.6 Accuracy of Theories

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    • Einstein’s theory of general relativity solved outstanding problems with Newton’s theory of gravity, such as action at a distance, but it also came with its own issue in the form of infinitely dense singularities. Do you think we can ever create a holistically accurate description of reality, or will we always be trying to patch holes in existing theories? Does the fact that all physics is built upon imperfect knowledge mean that we can never create a perfectly refined theory of reality? Explain your answer.

    • Everything needs some amendments to improve toward perfection. New models would provide us a clearer view but that doesn’t necessarily mean they will scarp out the prev ones. There is always some room for improvement even if we might never have the final picture.

    • If one stands at the frontier of understanding and looks out into the unknown, it is perfectly obvious that one has an imperfect knowledge of the totality. As for deriving a perfect understanding – who and why would anyone want to let go of the wonder?

    • I think we will be able to – after all, Nature does work and does stuff in these situations, and what Nature does should be expressable mathematically. But I think this will only work if we start from quantum mechanics, not from classical theories such as relativity – we need to gravitize quantum mechanics not quantize gravity.

    • Models including models of reality always have limited scope and applicability.

    • Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

      This is a good question, amid work in progress of new tech in Astronomy.

      Having lived in Nunavut`s circumpolar science that has outter-space biome features, it is often direct experience that allows for accurate science.

      We may only have accurate science from pioneers and explorers of the regions explored.

      This includes robot explorers.

      Because we are more than a physical body, we have greater tools than physical limits.

      http://www.monroeinstitute.org is a place to develop greater tools.

      When we see limits on theories, we need to go direct to the source, and we are told this is impossible with black holes.

      Electron and neutron degeneracies end the white dwarfs and neutron stars. So what ends a black hole?

      Tesla had light measured 3x faster than Einsteinian light – immediately out of the source. Gamma ray polar outflow occurs even in black holes, so they are not hermetically sealed.

      Polar regions are unique regions, especially on the sun, and allow for an outflow, and the stellar and interstellar inflows.

      Is Tesla`s speed of light also Hawking radiation?

    • hmm zero mass black hole? I think we are coming up on a drop of knowledge in the vast ocean of the universe, so the prospects of learning more become exponential.

    • we can make a one theory but we just need some things that are missing now!we’ll have to look deeper !

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