World Science Scholars

5.1 Beyond the Higgs

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    • Thank you Dr.Maria about this fantastic presentation.
      You are right the dark matter is the big mystery in physics nowdays
      But there is a question for you jumps in my mind. Why the dark matter is dark? There is any explanation form all the physical theories try to discover what is the nature of the dark matter?
      Thank you Dr.Maria
      Ashraf Ayoub

    • Thank you Dr.Maria about this fantastic presentation.
      You are right the dark matter is the big mystery in physics nowdays
      But there is a question for you jumps in my mind. Why the dark matter is dark? There is any explanation form all the physical theories try to discover what is the nature of the dark matter?
      Thank you Dr.Maria
      Ashraf Ayoub

    • Thank you Dr.Maria about this fantastic presentation.
      You are right the dark matter is the big mystery in physics nowdays
      But there is a question for you jumps in my mind. Why the dark matter is dark? There is any explanation form all the physical theories try to discover what is the nature of the dark matter?
      Thank you Dr.Maria
      Ashraf Ayoub

    • Thank you Dr.Maria about this fantastic presentation.
      You are right the dark matter is the big mystery in physics nowdays
      But there is a question for you jumps in my mind. Why the dark matter is dark? There is any explanation form all the physical theories try to discover what is the nature of the dark matter?
      Thank you Dr.Maria
      Ashraf Ayoub

    • Thank you Dr.Maria about this fantastic presentation.
      You are right the dark matter is the big mystery in physics nowdays
      But there is a question for you jumps in my mind. Why the dark matter is dark? There is any explanation form all the physical theories try to discover what is the nature of the dark matter?
      Thank you Dr.Maria
      Ashraf Ayoub

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