World Science Scholars

Meet Your Teaching Fellow

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    • Many people support your learning in the World Science Scholars program. In addition to the course Professor and the World Science Scholars education team, each course will feature at least one Teaching Fellow. The Teaching Fellow is typically a graduate or postdoctoral student who has deep content knowledge and helps develop the course content. Once the course becomes available, the Teaching Fellow moderates online discussions, responds to course-related questions, facilitates interactions between students and the course Professor, and mentors students.

      The Teaching Fellow for A Beautiful Universe is Aaron Mertz. He was also the Teaching Fellow for Beyond the Cloud of Every Experience with Brian Greene.

      What questions do you have for Aaron Mertz?

    • Anonymous

      What is your major field of study, and outside of this, do you have any additional interests you enjoy pursuing?

      • Hi, Sebastian – great to meet you virtually! My undergraduate major was physics, and I did my Ph.D. in physics as well, so I took all the standard undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in physics and a bunch of mathematics courses as well. My current research uses tools from physics and biology to understand how force and tension, exerted by cells on each other and on their surroundings, contribute to tissue growth. Outside science, I love classical music and play the cello in a chamber group (a piano trio—piano, violin, cell) and also love art history and go to art museums whenever I can.

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