World Science Scholars

1.1 Truth and Beauty

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    • I like your description of beauty as being what the equation describes, versus rigid objections to the use, or non use of specific terminologies. Which can become overly politically correct, shifting focus to identity perception, over the ability to capture complex phenomena into its essence. When Science succeeds at mirroring it’s descriptions with what nature is doing… I would call this a beautiful equation.

    • I like your description of beauty as being what the equation describes, versus rigid objections to the use, or non use of specific terminologies. Which can become overly politically correct, shifting focus to identity perception, over the ability to capture complex phenomena into its essence. When Science succeeds at mirroring it’s descriptions with what nature is doing… I would call this a beautiful equation.

    • Kepler is important. He fully debunked his own research. This requires immense humility, courage, and resilience. Cultures unable to support the lessening of self-importance may never develop well.

      Herschell made a wonderful discovery. To think all radio waves and music are part of a larger electromagnetic spectrum means we have yet to invent musical instruments to play heavenly musics. In my opinion, breaking the sound barrier seems to be a precurser for life on earth in its spin. Does all life need planetary spin to break the sound barrier?

      MEST as a concept is something we learn from another USA pioneer called Robert A. Monroe, of the
      Matter, Energy, Space and Time is the MEST acronym.

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