World Science Scholars
2.1 Hawking Radiation and Information Loss

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Robert Ruxandrescu
In the example with the pair of particles, the pair is being generated outside of the black hole. Considering this, shouldn't both the particle and antiparticle have positive energy? A particle has negative energy if it's created inside the event horizon, but in the presented example they are both created OUTSIDE of the event horizon. So I don't exactly understand why the one that falls beyond the event horizon has negative energy.
Luke Gurbin
Black holes have no hair. Observations seem to be of a different spectrum when considering black holes, dark matter, and dark energy. Tesla also quantified what he called black light. Can we ignore Tesla?
John Lee Farnsworth Sr
neg. energy neg. mass wouldn't that make it fly away from the gravity/mass at the center of the black hole and thus escape? Some of the things presented seem problematic to my mind. I must need to study more more more.

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