3.6 Center of the Universe

Due to the homogeneous expansion of space, every galaxy sees itself as being in the center of the universe. From its own perspective, all other galaxies are moving away from it. Can any sense be made of this concept of the “center” of the universe? Explain your answer.
October 15, 2020 at 9:20 pm
As a cosmology layman, I have a hard time grappling with this notion. On the one hand, I could understand that all galaxies would lie on the surface of an expanding cosmic bubble. This would satisfy me as a reason for each galaxy moving away from each other at an increasing speed. But what about the interior of the bubble. Could it be empty? On the other hand, if matter and galaxies are evenly distributed in the volume of the universe and that it all started from a speck location somewhere, this location should be centrally located vis-à-vis the current universe volume, and, on the average, galaxies should be moving away from that location and it should be possible to measure the direction to it. I could even imagine that there could be multiple expanding and co-centric bubbles.
April 8, 2023 at 3:04 pm
Perhaps this is the answer, Patrick. The universe is moving outward from the place of the Big Bang. This means that the place of the Big Bang is the center of the universe. Since this almost by definition is not within the confines of the visible universe, we’ll never get to see it and, therefore, for us it doesn’t exist. Everything that we can see is moving away from everything else; what lies beyond that is something that’s never discussed.
September 14, 2021 at 4:09 pm
If it were possible to stand outside of the universe, we could presumably observe its expansion, contraction and oscilation; even determine an origin and centre. But being entangled within it I guess that we, our measuring instruments, and all of the material universe around us would be subject to the same distortions, and thus make objective observation impossible.
September 4, 2022 at 4:35 am
Hello Ladies & Gentlemen,
Somethings never transcend biology.
As a center of gravity, a galaxy can repulse invaders, and set up a gravity when large enough to continue to be the center it survives as. So all galaxies are centers, but does this push all others away?
They say stars have been in a merger and aquisition phase and now have an equilibrium of spaces in the universe. (this is outside of regions producing stars) But galaxies have not.
Galaxies still collide, and will until the spaces are created that stars are said to already have fought for.
When galactic mergers are over, will expansion also end?
Then there is another aspect that exist beyond planetary, solar, stellar, Milky Way and Local cluster levels.
Virgo cluster levels concepts of a
are a perspective that allows us to recognize there is a larger picture… Perhaps more of a wave level occuring beyond comprehension. -
April 4, 2023 at 8:01 am
I see it as another dimension in my minds eye, that on top of the 3+1 there is another that connects everything to the center, thus all matter sees itself in the center because they actually are.
April 10, 2023 at 8:30 am
If we look at what we have in life and what we extend ourselves to, we find this is not such a bad thing.
To figure out just this one galaxy is an alright limitation.
One story that recently popped up relating to this was by an individual deciding to train for the freedom of awareness.
Courtney Brown says that in our galaxy, the Hedonism of the… Species some call Greys… eventually decided they would have no reproductive ability as individuals after ruining their homeworld.
But their Genetic meanderings and stellar wanderings allow them more access to cruise the Milky Way. And some think Greys are overboard in cloning tactics.
Humanity seems to be figuring out the carbon-silicate cycle, just on a cusp of robotic star exploration.
I think because the CFC was something the entire world recognized as a factor for ozone that humanity may not allow things to go so overboard as how Courteney Brown claims hedonism did for Grey species.
Who knows if Courtney Brown is accurate, but there has been world responses to environment alterations before. The history of the universe can always reveal more. One account read yesterday now incorporates dark matter in collapsing proto-star discs. Never saw that updated version til yesterday.
So, if we have a centricity to perspective, the Astronomical world community at least will not enslave us to religion nor make us fight religious-cult wars for Holy Roman Empire acquisitions.
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