4.1 Multi-Messenger Astronomy

Clint MacDonald
send info instantly

Clint MacDonald
sounds difficult and it should work for finding out what is going on is gravity faster then light

Muhyadin Mohamed
Thank you all WS-U/F, All members -living and non-living (presenters, partipants,recorders, transmitters, hosters including the earth, its materials and transmitters inlccuding the internet, browsers, webs and my Device).
I really like this site as I have taken some courses in few days in videos which i is the third educational presentation i like the most as person, along with practicality and metal/emotional thinking with all its analysis and fairness of through.
I would few more basic questions but not here as they may require multidisciplinary team in professions, cultures and backgrounds and much more....
I am trying way to write the presenters or website team (world science U and world science festival -WSU/F)...
FORCE+MATTER or FORCE+MASS AS ONE MIGHT CALL...... with all those mass and weight difference at atom or galary/Univers level..... any thing we know.. including life
I am not talking about the force we learned in school that was part of the engergy= force+ work from right left reading probably.
Anyhow thanks.
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