World Science Scholars

4.4 End of Particle Physics?

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    • Do you believe that the proposed accelerators that Professor Barish describes are the last generation of accelerators and, therefore, the end of particle physics? Explain your answer.

    • Dearest Professor Barish,

      I would like to ‘Thank you’ for your ongoing works in all manner of particle-wave Detector technology, which has provided humanity with the vital information required to give physics the solid foundations, to therefore continue the evolution of the sciences onto the next stages of development. These extremely advanced Detector technologies are truly representative of the crowning achievements of the multi-detector, multi-phenomena, multi-synthesis of methodologies… many in development, as these cutting-edge detectors themselves enter the sub-atomic realms they are designed to measure. The fact that these supremely sophisticated Detectors represent the collective and cumulative advancements across all the sciences, demonstrates most assuredly that humanity is more than capable to work collaboratively and internationally, on the latest of big scientific projects, in all the multi-dimensional capacities, virtually inconceivable only a short distance into the past.

      These world-spanning, mega-science projects represents both the technical savvy and the continual, very progressive achievements of global society’s long-term fascination with understanding nature, and our place within the universe itself. Of course, not mentioning the insights garnered from these precision, gargantuan Detector projects have given, into the very characteristics of the particle-wave constituents and forces of the Standard Model itself. That in turn, fuels the electronics of our modern era’s requirements of quantum mechanical information; and so it is an understatement to say that these Detectors are the underlying basis for 25% of the modern economy. These civilizational defining engineering-megaliths do much more than provide the foundational data required for furthering the evolution of the branching sciences, whose common foundations are the very quantum particles underlying all phenomena. Additionally, demonstrating that international collaboration is not only a prerequisite for modernity, but is in fact, an already highly-functioning reality, in the most complex systems on the planet.

      These mega-orchestrations are no small achievement, and in fact are the functional model from which a successful world can be derived. So, again, ‘Thank You’ Professor Barish for being a brilliant Director of such inspiring human orchestrations! Informing humanity that science continues diligently to uncover the deep mysteries of the universe, and simultaneously, showing the world the deeply intelligent, altruistic, humble and the multi-facetted characteristics of genius management. Of course, we see these same magnanimous achievements across the in-depth, branching fields of the sciences; in the telescopic arrays, which work equally on tight budgets, with thousands upon thousands of individuals and organizations, in top-notch, tight-ship operations that give humanity an enormous sense of achievement and well being. In our evolutionary trajectory in this accelerating universe, of continually expanded insight and discovery into its unfathomable complexity, if there is anything I could possibly do to assist in spreading awareness of these magnificent achievements, please do not hesitate to let me know.

      Please keep up the invaluable works Professor Barish!

      Michelle Grace Lambert

    • yes

    • Thank You Professor Barish! Highly interesting, simply explained and very well presented. 🙂 Keep up the good work 🙂

    • No, I believe that there will be an eventual breakthrough in quantum computing, quantum physics, and particle physics which will lead to the need of future generations outfitted to detect previously undetected particles relating to time, space, gravity, and antiparticles. I also think we will eventual discover that FTL technology is possible and once we achieve it, particle accelerators will find a renewed purpose with being able to test at speeds never before possible and make discoveries about particles that we can not even begin to comprehend with our present understanding of physics.

    • 2015 was 5 years ago – has the proposed machine been built yet?

    • Good Lecture!!!

    • As a matter of principle I do not believe in “end of science” as general and end of physics specifically. I really can imagine accelerators in the space, very long, properly shielded and powered with new small fusion reactor or some other source of energy. I do not know if it can happen within next 10 or 100 years but we as humans are pretty inventive and stubborn 😉

    • The idea of using plasma sounds exciting, although I haven’t heard anything yet on this and it’s 2021. We may be quite some time away from it. Another option would be to create an accelerator in outer space and despite that sounding really futuristic and expensive, we might compensate with clever ideas such that we don’t have to use as much material as here on Earth.

    • Yes. I believe that there is the end of particle physics. Even if there is the end of particle physics, I still believe that scientist would improve in what they have learned.
      Thank you Professor Barish! This lecture helps me to understand more about particle physics!

    • thank you sir very much

    • Yes. :Plasma being it.

    • BYE

    • Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

      Prof. Barish states plasma is a yet undeveloped technology for accelerators. There is room for improvement.

    • Thanks for the lectures

    • As long as we have curiosity we will advance, so even if we can’t see how now, it won’t eliminate future advancement.

    • Thank you for the lectures, Professor Barish, they have highly interesting and have improved my understanding of colliders and how we work with them.

      I quite adamantly disagree that these accelerators will be the end of particle physics. At the dawn of the 20th century, Lord Kelvin expressed his belief that physics was done, and we now understood the entire universe, he was surely wrong. Since the 20th century, we’ve had relativity, quantum mechanics, dark matter, string theory, the Higgs boson etcetera. I believe that this tide-turning and unexpected 20th century quantum revolution showed how physics can dramatically change when new mathematics/thoughts as well as technologies are introduced. This leads me to believe that as our technology advances and more great minds ponder the questions of the universe, we will make great strides in cosmology, computing, particle physics etcetera.

    • No, the proposed accelerators, such as the International Linear Collider (ILC) discussed by Professor Barish, are not necessarily the last generation of accelerators, and they do not mark the end of particle physics. Particle physics is a dynamic field that continually evolves, driven by both theoretical advancements and experimental discoveries. While the ILC may represent a significant step forward in our ability to study particle interactions with high precision, it is unlikely to be the ultimate or final accelerator design.
      Scientific progress often leads to the identification of new questions and challenges, prompting the development of more advanced tools and technologies. As our understanding of the universe deepens, there will likely be a need for accelerators with higher energies, greater sensitivities, or different experimental capabilities. Future generations of accelerators could be designed to explore phenomena that are currently beyond our reach or to investigate aspects of fundamental physics that are not fully understood.
      In summary, the proposed accelerators, including the ILC, are part of the ongoing story of particle physics, but they are not expected to represent the conclusion of this scientific pursuit. The field will likely continue to push boundaries and develop new technologies to explore the mysteries of the universe in ever more detail.

    • I don’t believe it’s the end of partial physics as we still cannot prove of disprove super symmetry, dark matter and enters, plus all the other things we do. It know about yet. At this stage It looks like the future is plasma, but perhaps quantum computers will suffice in order to 3xperiement.

    • No, I don’t believe they will be the last generation of accelerators. Each advancement in accelerator technology opens new avenues for discovery and innovation. While current and proposed accelerators might push the boundaries of our understanding, future technologies, like plasma-based accelerators, could lead to even more compact and powerful machines. As long as there are new questions in particle physics, there will be a need for more advanced tools to explore them.

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