World Science Scholars
What Is Life? Project

In the Prerequisite Module of the Life as the Next Frontier in Physics course, Professor Walker challenged you to answer the questions, What is life? Can it be quantified? Subsequently, the definitions of life that were shared in Discussion 1.2 reflect many different themes. The What is Life? Project is an opportunity for you to collaborate with other World Science Scholars who share a similar approach and wish to go beyond defining life and address how to quantify life and collect supporting data.

Select the theme from the list below that best reflects how you choose to define life. You can select more than one theme or you can identify a new one.

Life based on birth, death, and chemical processes

Life based on chemistry

Life based on entropy and information

Life based on DNA or evolution

Life based on reproduction

Life based on energy or thermodynamics

Life based on a new idea (click on the NEW PROJECT button)

Follow the instructions that appear on the Project page that will guide you to work as a single group to create a unified response that is to be submitted by Monday, April 1, 2019. During the final Live Session with Professor Walker on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at 5 pm EDT, each group will have 3-5 minutes to present and defend their ideas.

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