World Science Scholars
1.1 The Recipe for Life

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Yash V. Joshi
Very much Interested in this topic, willing to go in deep.
Luke Gurbin
Thank you to Prof. Dimitar Sassilovfor the opportunity to attend this course. My Ukrainian and russian heritage recognize your name spelt differently. Dmitry, Dimitri, your duo PhD`s and work on exoplanets is something to look for in the bookstore. I grew up near Toronto. But i admire Sofia, and also Brasov. I am aiming for a Doctorate in Astronomy, perhaps exploring my `skydisc` concept of circumpolar regions. Prof. Andrew Strominger is an inspiration, so thanks to Harvard Alumni! My polarcusp research shows stellar and onterstellar drop-ins with Uranyl, a water+ uranium molecule moderating radiation. My thesis prediction is for thornyl to exist. We only exist in moderated ragiation environments as biologicals.
Luke Gurbin
Thank you to Prof. Dimitar Sassilov for the opportunity to attend this course. My Ukrainian and russian heritage recognize your name spelt differently. Dmitry, Dimitri, your duo PhD`s and work on exoplanets is something to look for in the bookstore. I grew up near Toronto. But i admire Sofia, and also Brasov. I am aiming for a Doctorate in Astronomy, perhaps exploring my `skydisc` concept of circumpolar regions. Prof. Andrew Strominger is an inspiration, so thanks to Harvard Alumni! My polarcusp research shows stellar and interstellar drop-ins with Uranyl, a water+ uranium molecule moderating radiation. My thesis prediction is for thoranyl to exist. We only exist in moderated radiation environments as biologicals.
Aditya Jaiswal
Life is the sensation of being alive, involving irrational perceptions, feelings, and interactions.
Stuart Mickel
why did we not see his slides?

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