1.1 The Standard Model
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Loop Quantum Gravity
Do we need a New Standard Model for Describing Tachyons and Axions?? What will be the Spin of the Tachyons?? Will it is a half-integer Fermion, or will it be a Full integer Boson, and what will be the Quantum field theory nature of Tachyons and also what will be the String Theory nature of Axions and how Axions will behave in Quantum Field Theory?

Loop Quantum Gravity
Do we need a New Standard Model for Describing Tachyons and Axions?? What will be the Spin of the Tachyons? Will it is a half-integer Fermion, or will it be a Full integer Boson, and what will be the Quantum field theory nature of Tachyons?

Luke Gurbin
Spontaneous symetry breaking. Gluons and photons for the strong nuclear and electromagnetic forces, respectively.
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