World Science Scholars
3.1 The Speed of Light

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Anthony Toledo
Absolutely magnificent video. I believe there will be a day where we fill find an equation the redefines everything. This theory will dissolve some considerable fundamental constituents, and expand on more contemporary hypothesis and completely redesign reality as we imagine it. Once the boundaries are dissolved and a semi-quantifiable representation of infinity could be injected into mathematics, then we will see the sunset and rise at the speed of thought. If light is the fastest quantifiable measurement we have made, we have to take a look a little deeper. Mai i’loko Mai.
Michael Zebrowitz
No. The question implies that light needs a medium. It does not. Light travels just fine in a vacuum.
Ranjith Kumar
If you understand this video then you must have come to the conclusion that "Speed of light is relative to anything". Means the speed of light will be the same until or unless it will encounter with more than this speed. So far humans came to only 2/10000 of speed in today's world means we still a long way to go. Light is so fast that even if you are moving at 200 Miles per hour the speed of light remains the same.
Luke Gurbin
It is a funny thing to hear that space is not really a vacuum - dark energy theories support that space is not a vacuum. If the dark matter is the medium, as a glue in individual galaxies, there is a medium light travels through. The speed of light is on a scale beyond comprehension.
John Lee Farnsworth Sr
nice lesson

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